wgmao / DelayedPLIER

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We first create a toy example using an available large-scale scRNA-seq

sce <- TENxPBMCData("pbmc4k")
mat <- counts(sce)
rownames(mat) <- rowData(sce)$ENSEMBL_ID 
colnames(mat) <- colData(sce)$Sequence
writeHDF5Array(mat, filepath = "counts.hdf5", name = "count")
saveRDS(list(row.names = rowData(sce)$ENSEMBL_ID , col.names = colData(sce)$Sequence), file = "dimnames.RDS")

In the latest version of HDF5Array, dimension names can be written in to the hdf5 file directly writeHDF5Array(mat, filepath = "counts.hdf5", name = "count", with.dimnames=T)

Load all functions in funcs.R

source("funcs.R") #glmnet and HDF5Array will be loaded 
setAutoRealizationBackend("HDF5Array") #supportedRealizationBackends(), getRealizationBackend()

Read in the file we just created. The name can be verified via h5ls("counts.hdf5")

sce <- DelayedArray(seed = HDF5ArraySeed(filepath = "counts.hdf5", name = "count"))

Read the dimension names

dimnamaes <- readRDS("dimnames.RDS")
rownames(sce) <- dimnamaes$row.names
colnames(sce) <- dimnamaes$col.names

Remove all NA values and genes that are not differentially expressed

sce[is.na(sce)] <- 0
data <- sce[which(DelayedMatrixStats::rowSds(sce) >0),]

Read in prior information matrix

priorMat <- readRDS("canonicalPathways_ENSG.RDS")

Run the DelayedPLIER PLIER.res$residual, PLIER.res$Z and PLIER.res$B are stored as three on-disk files instead of variables in the memory. PLIER() function will realize and write these three to hard disk based on the output_path. Other values are still in the memory can be directly accessed via PLIER.res$'name of the values'

ptm <- proc.time()
PLIER.res <- PLIER(data, priorMat, output_path = "output/")


Basic Functions & Tutorial

  1. https://www.bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/vignettes/MultiAssayExperiment/inst/doc/UsingHDF5Array.html
  2. https://bioconductor.github.io/BiocWorkshops/effectively-using-the-delayedarray-framework-to-support-the-analysis-of-large-datasets.html#
  3. http://biocworkshops2019.bioconductor.org.s3-website-us-east-1.amazonaws.com/page/DelayedArrayWorkshop__Effectively_using_the_DelayedArray_framework_for_users/

Available Delayed Operators

  1. DelayedArray-utils https://www.rdocumentation.org/packages/HDF5Array/versions/1.0.2/topics/DelayedArray-utils
  2. DelayedMatrixStats https://www.bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/vignettes/DelayedMatrixStats/inst/doc/DelayedMatrixStatsOverview.html
  3. BiocSingular https://master.bioconductor.org/packages/devel/bioc/manuals/BiocSingular/man/BiocSingular.pdf