Closed Yiquan-Jiang closed 4 years ago
Could you please show me your codes and the error messages?
Could you please show me your codes and the error messages?
t.results <- runSeurat(
- expr = expr,
- savePath = savePath,
- pc.use = pc.use,
- resolution = resolution,
- clusterStashName = clusterStashName,
- bool.runDiffExpr = bool.runDiffExpr
- ) [2020-05-25 17:04:18] -----: PCA [2020-05-25 17:04:20] -----: clustering [2020-05-25 17:04:21] -----: tSNE [2020-05-25 17:04:33] -----: UMAP [2020-05-25 17:04:52] -----: differential expression analysis expr = t.results$expr cell.annotation = t.results$cell.annotation results[["diff.expr.genes"]] = t.results$diff.expr.genes rm(t.results) gc() results[["seurat.plots"]] <- plotSeurat(
- expr = expr,
- cell.annotation = cell.annotation,
- show.features = show.features,
- bool.add.features = bool.add.features,
- coor.names = coor.names,
- bool.runDiffExpr = bool.runDiffExpr,
- diff.expr.genes = results[["diff.expr.genes"]],
- n.markers = n.markers,
- species = species,
- savePath = savePath
- ) [2020-05-25 17:15:30] -----: Seurat plotting and saving When using repel, set xnudge and ynudge to 0 for optimal results if(bool.runInteraction){
- t.results <- runCellInteraction(expr, cellSetName = clusterStashName,
- species = species, savePath = savePath)
- results[["interaction.score"]] <- t.results$interaction.score
results[["inter.plot"]] <-
ggplot(t.results$stat.df, aes(x = Ligand.CellSet, y = Receptor.CellSet, size = Num, color = Sum)) +
geom_point() +
coord_fixed() +
scale_color_gradientn(colors = colorRampPalette(c("#FAFBFD", "#2e68b7"))(50)) +
theme_light() +
theme(axis.title.x = element_text(size = 13, vjust = -0.1),
axis.title.y = element_text(size = 13, vjust = 1.5),
axis.text.x = element_text(size = 11, angle = 45, hjust = 1),
axis.text.y = element_text(size = 11),
panel.border = element_rect(color = "black"))
- results[["inter.plot"]] <- plotCellInteraction(t.results$stat.df, cell.annotation)
- ggsave(filename = file.path(savePath, "figures/interaction-score.png"),
- results[["inter.plot"]], width = 7, height = 6.5, dpi = 500)
- } [2020-05-25 17:42:54] -----: cell interaction analysis
**_Error in getCellTypeColor(cell.types = unique(cell.annotation[[sel.col]])) :
在运行完runseurat后,运行cell interaction analysis出现以上错误~
You can re-install and try it again.
作者您好,在运行cell interaction过程中,出现错误:没有getCellTypeColor这个函数。我找了一下r语言里面getCellTypeColor,找不到哪个r包里面有这个函数?是不是函数更名了呢?