whatasoda / multi-row-tweet-deck

Extends Your TweetDeck Layout
MIT License
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MultiRow TweetDeck

MultiRow TweetDeck extends your TweetDeck layout with customizable rows.


MultiRow TweetDeck has three or four JavaScript context.

  1. https://tweetdeck.twitter.com/ as a content script
  2. https://multirow.page/ as a general web page
  3. https://multirow.page/ as a content script (this is only for firefox)
  4. a background script

On https://tweetdeck.twitter.com/, the content script apply styles from saved layout profile via styled-components. https://muiltirow.page/ serves two roles. One is a promotion and another is setting page. Since Firefox browser does not have access for browser from general web page JavaScript context, a content scripts is needed for communicate with extension. The background script serves migration from older versions, storage management, and so on.


install dependencies

npm i


npm run dev:htdocs # start dev-server for multirow.page in localhost:8080
npm run dev:extension # start watching process for extension


npm run build:htdocs
npm run build:extension


We use GitHub Actions for deployment of https://multirow.page/. The page is deployed on GitHub Pages.