whatgoodisaroad / Big-js

An arbitrary precision math library for JavaScript
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Big.js An Arbitrary Precision Math Library for JavaScript


Big.js provides a class definition (Big) to handle numbers of any precision and perform mathematical operations on them within JavaScript. Create a "Big" object in either of the following ways:

new Big("123.456"); // --> [Object]


Big.parse("567.890"); // --> [Object]

Method Support

Version 0.7.*: lessThan, lessThanOrEqualTo, greaterThan, greaterThanOrEqualTo, equals

Version 0.8.*: plus, minus, negate, clone

Runing Tests

The unit test suite is a stratified-randomized differential tester which runs in UNIX environments and is designed for the VT100 shell (for colors). It has a small list of system requirements.

  1. Mozilla's Rhino Shell: This is available from Mozilla for free. It is essentially a JavaScript interpreter/shell environment which we use to execute the library code quickly and programmatically (and without a browser).

  2. The "apcalc" UNIX utility. On debian variants it can be installed with the command "apt-get install apcalc". It is a programming language built around an infinite precision math library used here as an "oracle" for the differential testing.

To run the unit tests, first navigate to the root of the project and run:

make tests

Then, navigate to tests/differential and run:


You can specify how many tests to run by adding an argument:

./differential.sh 200