whatvn / ngx_http_estreaming_module

An adaptive hls streaming module for nginx
GNU General Public License v2.0
90 stars 20 forks source link


================================= Nginx module that automatically:




This is 720p video in h264 format without any pre-transcoding or segmenting. Depend on your bandwidth, video will be transcoded and delivered on-the-fly.

Please note: this server is a tiny server: 1core cpu with 512mb ram





  1. To compile:

1.1 You have to compile libx264, fdk-aac and ffmpeg libraries. Command I use to compile ffmpeg:

fdk-aac on CentOS ::

# git clone https://github.com/mstorsjo/fdk-aac 
# cd fdk-aac
# ./configure ; make; make install 
# yum install ffmpeg-devel x264-devel 

or compile everything like I do


./configure --enable-libx264 --enable-static --disable-opencl --extra-ldflags='-L/usr/local/lib -lx264 -lpthread -lm' --enable-gpl --enable-libfdk-aac --enable-nonfree
make install 

1.2 Compile nginx with --add-module option


./configure --add-module=ngx_http_estreaming_module 
  1. To use:

This module take various request's query string to determine which playlist, resolution should be return to client request, and because using query strings makes url looks dynamic, it's not caching friendly, this module then pre-rewrite url when writing output playlist, but parsing url without using query string is hard and takes too much time, so it still using query-strings when processing input-url. We have to use rewrite module here


#uncomment to use secure_link module
#secure_link           $arg_st,$arg_e;
#secure_link_md5       "axcDxSVnsGkAKvqhqOh$host$arg_e";
#                       if ($secure_link = "")  { return 403; }
#               if ($secure_link = "0") { return 410; }
rewrite ^(.*)/(adbr)/([0-9]+p)/([0-9]+)/(.*ts)?(.*) $1/$5?video=$4&$2=true&vr=$3&$6 last;
rewrite ^(.*)/(adbr)/([0-9]+p)/(.*\.m3u8)?(.*) $1/$4?$2=true&vr=$3&$5 last;
rewrite ^(.*)/(org)/(.*\.m3u8)?(.*) $1/$3?$2=true&$6 last;
rewrite ^(.*)/(org)/([0-9]+)/(.*\.ts)?(.*) $1/$4?video=$3&$2=true&$5 last;
rewrite ^(.*)/([0-9]+)/(.*ts)?(.*)  $1/$3?video=$2&$4 last;
location /upload {
        error_log /data/log/error.log ;
        root   /data/demo;
        segment_length 5;
        hls_buffer_size 1m;
        hls_max_buffer_size 50m;
        mp4_buffer_size 1m;
        mp4_max_buffer_size 500m;

With these configuration, for example your domain name is: streaming.domain.com, your root directory is /data/demo, you upload a video named demo.mp4, in sub-directory upload with resolution 1280x720, to play it, just point your player to url:



this module will take care all the rest, generate adaptive playlist, transcode video to requested resolution. For more information about http live streaming, just read: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTTP_Live_Streaming Example output demo.m3u8:


#EXT-X-STREAM-INF:PROGRAM-ID=1,BANDWIDTH=1280000, RESOLUTION=640x360,CODECS="mp4a.40.2, avc1.4d4015"
#EXT-X-STREAM-INF:PROGRAM-ID=1,BANDWIDTH=2560000, RESOLUTION=854x480,CODECS="mp4a.40.2, avc1.4d4015"
#EXT-X-STREAM-INF:PROGRAM-ID=1,BANDWIDTH=5120000, RESOLUTION=1280x720,CODECS="mp4a.40.2, avc1.4d4015"

When receive master playlist, player will choose which child playlist should be use at current time according to local bandwidth. For example, if local bandwidth is fine, player will use HD resolution which is #EXT-X-STREAM-INF:PROGRAM-ID=1,BANDWIDTH=5120000, RESOLUTION=1280x720, example content of this playlist:



This module was tested with: jwplayer, html5, flowplayer, flashhls, ios device, Mac OS, and new android version...





  1. support Http dynamic streaming (HDS)
  2. support other video extension: mkv, avi, flv...
  3. make use of nginx event
  4. optimize transcoding process to make it faster
  5. support hls encryption.


========== If you use this module, you don't have to use ngx_http_mp4_module anymore, since it already embeded into this module.


Because this module based on ngx_h264_module from codeshop, you should consider their license. It also use libx264, and x264 uses GPLv2, so this module also uses GPLv2 too.