wheeler-microfluidics / mr-box-peripheral-board.py

Firmware for MR-Box controller board for various peripherals (e.g., motorized magnet, LED panels, micro pump, temperature/humidity sensor)
MIT License
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MR-Box peripheral board firmware

Firmware for MR-Box controller board for various peripherals (e.g., motorized magnet, LED panels, micro pump, temperature/humidity sensor)


The latest mr-box-peripheral-board release is available as a Conda package from the [wheeler-microfluidics][4] channel.

To install mr-box-peripheral-board in an activated Conda environment, run:

conda install -c wheeler-microfluidics -c conda-forge mr-box-peripheral-board

Upload firmware

To upload the pre-compiled firmware included in the Python package, from an activated Conda environment run the following command:

python -m mr_box_peripheral_board.bin.upload

Conda package contents

The mr-box-peripheral-board Conda package includes:

The installed components (relative to the root of the Conda environment) are shown below:

│   └───site-packages
│       └───mr_box_peripheral_board (Python package)
            └───mr-box-peripheral-board (compiled firmware binaries)
                │   platformio.ini   (PlatformIO environment information)


After uploading the firmware to the board, the mr_box_peripheral_board.Proxy class can be used to interact with the Arduino device.

See the session log below for example usage.

Example interactive session

>>> import mr_box_peripheral_board

Connect to mr-box-peripheral-board:

>>> proxy = mr_box_peripheral_board.SerialProxy()

Query the number of bytes free in device RAM.

>>> proxy.ram_free()

Query descriptive properties of device.

>>> proxy.properties
base_node_software_version                               0.9.post8.dev141722557
name                                                                    mr-box-peripheral-board
manufacturer                                                           Wheeler Microfluidics Lab
url                                                                  http://...
software_version                                                            0.1
dtype: object

Use Arduino API methods interactively.

>>> # Set pin 13 as output
>>> proxy.pin_mode(13, 1)
>>> # Turn led on
>>> proxy.digital_write(13, 1)
>>> # Turn led off
>>> proxy.digital_write(13, 0)


The firmware C++ code is located in the src directory. The key functionality is defined in the mr_box_peripheral_board::Node class in the file Node.h.

Adding new remote procedure call (RPC) methods

New methods may be added to the Python API by adding new methods to the mr_box_peripheral_board::Node C++ class in the file Node.h.

Set up development environment (within a Conda environment)

  1. Clone mr-box-peripheral-board source code from [GitHub repository][5].

  2. Create the .pioenvs directory if it doesn't already exist.

  3. Run the following command within the root of the cloned repository to install run-time dependencies and link working copy of firmware binaries and Python package for run-time use:

    paver develop_link
  4. Restart terminal and reactivate Conda environment (e.g., activate if Conda was installed with default settings).

Step 4 is necessary since at least one of the installed dependencies sets environment variables, which are only initialized on subsequent activations of the Conda environment (i.e., they do not take effect immediately within the running environment).

Build firmware

Run the following command within the root of the cloned repository to build the firmware:

paver build_firmware

The compiled firmware binary is available under the .pioenvs directory, as shown below:


Flash/upload firmware

To flash/upload a compiled firmware to the hardware, run the following command from the root of the repository:

pio run --target upload --target nobuild

Unlink development working copy

Run the following command within the root of the cloned repository to unlink working copy of firmware binaries and Python package:

paver develop_unlink

This will allow, for example, installation of a main-line release of the mr-box-peripheral-board Conda package.


This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT License
