whisklabs / docker-it-scala

Docker integration testing kit with Scala
MIT License
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docker docker-container integration-testing scala testing


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Set of utility classes to make integration testing with dockerised services in Scala easy.

You can read about reasoning behind it at Finely Distributed.


docker-it-scala works with Spotify's docker-client to communicate to docker engine through REST API or unix socket.

libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
  "com.whisk" %% "docker-testkit-scalatest" % "0.11.0" % "test"


You should be able to provide configuration purely through environment variables.


export DOCKER_HOST=tcp://
export DOCKER_HOST=unix:///var/run/docker.sock

Sample Services

There are two ways to define a docker container.

Code based definitions and via typesafe-config.

Code based definitions

import com.whisk.docker.testkit.scalatest.DockerTestKitForAll
import org.scalatest.Suite

trait DockerMongodbService extends DockerTestKitForAll {
  self: Suite =>

  val DefaultMongodbPort = 27017

  val mongodbContainer = ContainerSpec("mongo:3.4.8")
    .withReadyChecker(DockerReadyChecker.LogLineContains("waiting for connections on port"))

  override val managedContainers: ManagedContainers = mongodbContainer.toManagedContainer

You can check usage example

Container Paths


There are two testkits available -- one for scalatest and one for specs2.

Both set up the necessary docker containers and check that they are ready BEFORE any test is run, and doesn't close the container until ALL the tests are run.

Using in ScalaTest:

class MyMongoSpec extends FlatSpec with Matchers with DockerMongodbService {

With Multiple containers:

class MultiContainerTest
  extends AnyFunSuite
    with DockerElasticsearchService
    with DockerMongodbService {

  override val managedContainers: ContainerGroup =
    ContainerGroup.of(elasticsearchContainer, mongodbContainer)

  test("both containers should be ready") {
      "elasticsearch container is ready"
    assert(elasticsearchContainer.mappedPortOpt(9200).nonEmpty, "elasticsearch port is exposed")

    assert(mongodbContainer.state().isInstanceOf[ContainerState.Ready], "mongodb is ready")
    assert(mongodbContainer.mappedPortOpt(27017).nonEmpty, "port 2017 is exposed")