whitequark / kicad-boardview

KiCAD to Boardview exporter reads KiCAD PCB layout files and writes ASCII Boardview files
BSD Zero Clause License
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KiCad to Boardview exporter

The KiCad to Boardview exporter reads KiCad PCB layout files and writes Boardview files. Boardview is a set of file formats used in the industry for communicating important data about PCB in post-production stage, such as component, pin, and test point placement.

The Boardview file formats do not typically have a specification or even a name. The KiCad to Boardview exporter writes ".brd" files with ASCII Boardview data. These files can be opened with MIT-licensed OpenBoardView.


KiCad to Boardview exporter uses the pcbnew plugin interface. It requires KiCad 6 or later. It requires Python with KiCad libraries installed in the Python search path.


Run the exporter as follows:

./pcbnew2boardview.py example/example.kicad_pcb example/example.brd

This will read the PCB layout from example/example.kicad_pcb and write it to example/example.brd.


The Boardview file for Glasgow visualized with OpenBoardView looks like this, with the I2C SDA net selected:

For comparison, the PCB layout looks like this:



KiCad to Boardview exporter is distributed under the terms of 0-clause BSD license.

See LICENSE-0BSD for details.