whois-server-list / public-suffix-list

Java API for Mozilla's Public Suffix List
Do What The F*ck You Want To Public License
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Public Suffix List API

This is a thread-safe Java API for Mozilla's Public Suffix List:

A "public suffix" is one under which Internet users can directly register names. Some examples of public suffixes are .com, .co.uk and pvt.k12.ma.us.


This package is available in Maven central:



Create a PublicSuffixList with a PublicSuffixListFactory:

All methods are case insensitive.


You can use the API's methods with UTF-8 domain names or Punycode encoded ASCII domain names. The API will return the results in the same format as the input was. I.e. if you use an UTF-8 string the result will be an UTF-8 String as well. Same for Punycode.


PublicSuffixListFactory factory = new PublicSuffixListFactory();
PublicSuffixList suffixList = factory.build();


assertEquals("net", suffixList.getPublicSuffix("www.example.net"));
assertEquals("net", suffixList.getPublicSuffix("net"));


assertEquals("example.net", suffixList.getRegistrableDomain("example.net"));
assertEquals("example.net", suffixList.getRegistrableDomain("www.example.net"));
assertEquals("example.co.uk", suffixList.getRegistrableDomain("example.co.uk"));
assertEquals("example.co.uk", suffixList.getRegistrableDomain("www.example.co.uk"));

assertEquals("食狮.com.cn", suffixList.getRegistrableDomain("食狮.com.cn"));
assertEquals("xn--85x722f.com.cn", suffixList.getRegistrableDomain("xn--85x722f.com.cn"));

Public Suffix List update

This library comes with a bundled list which is most likely out dated. You are encouraged to follow Mozilla's Atom change feed and use the latest effective_tld_names.dat. You can specify a custom path to your latest list by setting the property PROPERTY_LIST_FILE:

PublicSuffixListFactory factory = new PublicSuffixListFactory();

Properties properties = factory.getDefaults();
        PublicSuffixListFactory.PROPERTY_LIST_FILE, "/effective_tld_names.dat");

PublicSuffixList suffixList = factory.build(properties);

Download Public Suffix List with Maven

You can integrate the download of the latest list in your maven build process:


License and author

Markus Malkusch markus@malkusch.de is the author of this project. This project is free and under the WTFPL.


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