Go package for indexing Who's On First documents
This package is no longer maintained.
Version "2" of this package was short-lived and quickly replaced by whosonfirst/go-whosonfirst-iterate. You should use that instead.
If you need to use the original "v1" package you specify it as follows in your go.mod
require (
github.com/whosonfirst/go-whosonfirst-index v0.3.4
Documentation for this package is incomplete and will be updated shortly.
package main
import (
func main() {
emitter_uri := flag.String("emitter-uri", "repo://", "A valid whosonfirst/go-whosonfirst-index/v2/emitter URI")
ctx := context.Background()
cb := func(ctx context.Context, fh io.ReadSeekCloser, args ...interface{}) error {
path, _ := index.PathForContext(ctx)
log.Printf("Indexing %s\n", path)
return nil
idx, _ := indexer.NewIndexer(ctx, *emitter_uri, cb)
uris := flag.Args()
idx.Index(ctx, uris...)
Error handling removed for the sake of brevity.
To be written
type EmitterInitializeFunc func(context.Context, string) (Emitter, error)
type EmitterCallbackFunc func(context.Context, io.ReadSeekCloser, ...interface{}) error
type Emitter interface {
IndexURI(context.Context, EmitterCallbackFunc, string) error
To be written
To be written
To be written
There was never a "v1" release. The last published release before "v2" was v0.3.4.
interface separate from a general-purpose indexer.Indexer
method in to the indexer.NewIndexer
package method.index.PathForContext
method in to the emitter.PathForContext
package method.index.Drivers
method in to the emitter.Schemes
package method.aaronland/go-roster
package to manage registered emitters.io.Reader
to io.ReadSeekCloser
interface, and corresponding emitter URI query parameters, for limiting results that are sent to emitter (previously indexer) callback functions.$> make cli
go build -mod vendor -o bin/count cmd/count/main.go
go build -mod vendor -o bin/emit cmd/emit/main.go
Count files in one or more whosonfirst/go-whosonfirst-index/v2/emitter sources.
$> ./bin/count -h
Count files in one or more whosonfirst/go-whosonfirst-index/v2/emitter sources.
./bin/count [options] uri(N) uri(N)
Valid options are:
-emitter-uri string
A valid whosonfirst/go-whosonfirst-index/v2/emitter URI. Supported emitter URI schemes are: directory://,featurecollection://,file://,filelist://,geojsonl://,repo:// (default "repo://")
For example:
$> ./bin/count \
2021/02/17 14:07:01 time to index paths (1) 87.908997ms
2021/02/17 14:07:01 Counted 1072 records (1072) in 88.045771ms
$> ./bin/count \
-emitter-uri 'repo://?include=properties.sfomuseum:placetype=terminal&include=properties.mz:is_current=1' \
2021/02/17 14:09:18 time to index paths (1) 71.06355ms
2021/02/17 14:09:18 Counted 4 records (4) in 71.184227ms
Publish features from one or more whosonfirst/go-whosonfirst-index/v2/emitter sources.
$> ./bin/emit -h
Publish features from one or more whosonfirst/go-whosonfirst-index/v2/emitter sources.
./bin/emit [options] uri(N) uri(N)
Valid options are:
-emitter-uri string
A valid whosonfirst/go-whosonfirst-index/v2/emitter URI. Supported emitter URI schemes are: directory://,featurecollection://,file://,filelist://,geojsonl://,repo:// (default "repo://")
Emit features as a well-formed GeoJSON FeatureCollection record.
Emit features as a well-formed JSON array.
Publish features to /dev/null
Publish features to STDOUT. (default true)
For example:
$> ./bin/emit \
-emitter-uri 'repo://?include=properties.sfomuseum:placetype=museum' \
-geojson \
/usr/local/data/sfomuseum-data-architecture/ \
| jq '.features[]["properties"]["wof:id"]'