Go tools for working with Who's On First documents and Tile38
This is tilting towards ready on the experimental-to-ready scale, but isn't quite there yet.
You will need to have both Go
and the make
programs installed on your computer. Assuming you do just type:
make bin
All of this package's dependencies are bundled with the code in the vendor
Indexing Who's On First data is done using the wof-tile38-index
utility described below. There are a few important things to remember about indexing:
library in the whosonfirst-www-api repo and the py-mapzen-whosonfirst-tile38 library.This stores a record's geometry (which may be a centroid or the actual GeoJSON geometry
property) as well as the following numeric IDs:
or 1
or 1
)This we probably should store but aren't yet:
This stores a following fields as a JSON encoded dictionary:
Querying Who's On First data can either be done by talking to a Tile38 server directly or using one of the utilities described below (currently there is only one).
Unless otherwise noted all query results are return as a simple list of JSON dictionaries. Paginated is implemented using a cursor
parameter which is returned at top level of any query response. If present you should include it with the following query to return the next set of results. For example:
$> curl -s 'localhost:8080?bbox=-33.893217,151.165524,-33.840479,151.281223&per_page=1' | python -mjson.tool
"cursor": 1,
"results": [
"wof:id": 1108814711,
"wof:is_deprecated": 0,
"wof:is_superseded": 0,
"wof:parent_id": -1,
"wof:placetype_id": 102312319,
"wof:repo": "dxlabs"
All of these utilities assume that there is a running copy of the tile38-server
(included in Tile38 package) that these utilities can communicate with. This package defines tools and utilities for working with tile38-server
not to replace it.
Find Who's On First records in a Tile38 database that intersect a given bounding box.
./bin/wof-tile38-bboxd -h
Usage of ./bin/wof-tile38-bboxd:
-host string
The address your HTTP server should listen for requests on (default "localhost")
-port int
The port number your HTTP server should listen for requests on (default 8080)
-tile38-collection string
The name of the Tile38 collection to read data from.
-tile38-host string
The address your Tile38 server is bound to. (default "localhost")
-tile38-port int
The port number your Tile38 server is bound to. (default 9851)
This assumes you've created an index called dxlabs
. See below for details.
$> wof-tile38-bboxd -tile38-collection dxlabs
$> curl 'localhost:8080?bbox=-33.893217,151.165524,-33.840479,151.281223&per_page=1&cursor=1'
Index one or more Who's On First records in a Tile38 database.
./bin/wof-tile38-index -h
Usage of ./bin/wof-tile38-index:
Go through all the motions but don't actually index anything.
-geometry string
Which geometry to index. Valid options are: centroid, bbox or whatever is in the default GeoJSON geometry (default).
-mode string
The mode to use importing data. Valid options are: directory, filelist and files. (default "files")
Enable the (walk.go) NFS kludge to ignore 'readdirent: errno' 523 errors
-procs int
The number of concurrent processes to use importing data. (default is number of CPUs * 2)
-tile38-collection string
The name of the Tile38 collection for indexing data.
-tile38-host string
The address your Tile38 server is bound to. (default "localhost")
-tile38-port int
The port number your Tile38 server is bound to. (default 9851)
Be chatty about what's happening. This is automatically enabled if the -debug flag is set.
For example, if you wanted to index all the localities in Who's On First:
$> wget https://whosonfirst.mapzen.com/bundles/wof-locality-latest-bundle.tar.bz2
$> tar -xvjf wof-locality-latest-bundle.tar.bz2
$> wof-tile38-index -collection whosonfirst -mode directory wof-locality-latest-bundle/data/
If you wanted to index one or more Who's On First "meta" files (they're just CSV files with a path
column) you might do something like:
$> wof-tile38-index -tile38-collection whosonfirst-geom -mode meta /usr/local/data/whosonfirst-data/meta/wof-county-latest.csv:/usr/local/data/whosonfirst-data/data
The syntax for listing meta files to index is a pair of filesystem paths separated by a :
. The first path is the path to the meta file and the second is the path to the directory containing the actual GeoJSON files. As of this writing it is assumed that the paths listed in the meta files are relative.