why-social / y

MIT License
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Backend and Frontend Template

Latest version: https://git.chalmers.se/courses/dit342/group-00-web

This template refers to itself as group-00-web. In your project, use your group number in place of 00.

Project Structure

File Purpose What you do?
server/ Backend server code All your server code
server/README.md Everything about the server READ ME carefully!
client/ Frontend client code All your client code
client/README.md Everything about the client READ ME carefully!
docs/LOCAL_DEPLOYMENT.md Local production deployment Deploy your app local in production mode


The version numbers in brackets indicate the tested versions but feel free to use more recent versions. You can also use alternative tools if you know how to configure them (e.g., Firefox instead of Chrome).

Getting started

# Clone repository
git clone git@git.chalmers.se:courses/dit342/group-00-web.git

# Change into the directory
cd group-00-web

# Setup backend
cd server && npm install
npm run dev

# Setup frontend
cd client && npm install
npm run serve

Check out the detailed instructions for backend and frontend.

Visual Studio Code (VSCode)

Open the server and client in separate VSCode workspaces or open the combined backend-frontend.code-workspace. Otherwise, workspace-specific settings don't work properly.

System Definition (MS0)


𝕐 is a social media platform where users share short posts, containing text and optionally images. It can be used for sharing thoughts and media (images). People follow each other to see posts in their feed, and can like, repost, or reply to posts to engage in discussions.


Entity-Relationship (ER) Diagram

ER Diagram

Backend (MS1)



Password restoration






Advanced Feature

Our advanced feature is feed generation. Each user will have a personalized feed generated based on their followings, accessible on the homepage under ‘Feed’ tab. The feed is composed on the server side. On the backend, the feature has its own endpoint (‘api/v1/feeds’) that returns the most recent posts from people you are following, sorted chronologically. Furthermore, the endpoint also supports descendent sorting and pagination.

On frontend, the feed is the central part of the website, infinitely scrollable, without the need for users to switch pages manually. More data provided through HATEOAS queries is loaded once the user reaches the end of the scrollable list. With this, loading is more efficient for larger lists, as the client requests only parts of the feed, not the whole.

Additionally, alongside the ‘Feed’ tab, there is a ‘Recents’ tab providing fresh posts from all platform's users (followed or not) through the same infinite scrolling list functionality described above.

Teaser (MS3)
