wikimedia-france / Lingua-Libre

LinguaLibre – Massive Open Audio Recording system
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Grants and events ! #57

Closed hugolpz closed 6 years ago

hugolpz commented 7 years ago
Status Grants Value Deadlines Paperworks Project
2017 Community Wishlist Survey
Trophées Franciliens d'Innovation NumSup 40K€ 2017/07/6 : publication de l’appel (AMI)
2017/09/18 : date limite de dépôt des candidatures
2017/09/19-28 : étude des projets
2017/09/29 : audition des finalistes, délibération du jury
2017/11/22 : décision
2017/12 : cérémonie de remise des Trophées.
workload? INALCO / Lingua Libre. Pay speakers at INALCO. Contact Boriana / service grants support at INALCO !
ANR 2017 500K€ For last year proposal :
2016/09/5, Monday : Release date of the call
2016/10/27, Thursday 13:00 : Deadline for submission of pre-proposals
2017/04/3, Monday 13:00 : Deadline for submission of proposals
2hrs: map the doc
1 week: draft the demand
INALCO = content
CRI = R&D pédagogie
WMfr = audios & tech
WM-de = tech
→ Wiktionary 2.0.
Wikimedia> Grants:Project ?K€ 2017/08/28 : Open call
2017/09/26 : Call deadline
2017/09/27-10/03 : Staff eligibility review
2017/10/04-17 : Community review
2017/10/18-31 : Committee review
2017/12/01 : Grantees announced
2017/12 : Grants disbursed
+3days [to define]
MozFest2017 0€ 2017/08/15 : Grants:TPS
2017/10/27-29 : London event
Grants:TPS request, 2 people
Lingua Libre advocacy :
- to Mozilla /
- to WikimediaUK, likely there
- to SOAS University of London (School of Oriental and African Studies)
Grants:TPS 4K€ July 15: submission
July 31: wikimania registration
6hours. Done! Lead Lingua Libre Workshop ; Advocate for Lingua Libre. → TPS failled → Got a special grant.
WikiConvention francophone 0€ 2017/08/15 : fin de l'appel
2017/10/19-21 : Strasbourg, presentation
3hrs Presenter Lingua Libre, Workshop for onboarding