wikimedia-france / Lingua-Libre

LinguaLibre – Massive Open Audio Recording system
GNU General Public License v3.0
14 stars 5 forks source link
! ===========================================================================================
! DEPRECATED: This project is the (now archived) 2016-2017 version                           
! You can find the current version on and
! ===========================================================================================

Lingua-Libre – Massive Open Audio Recording is an opensource platform and webapps created to ease mass recording of texts into clean, well cut, well named and apps friendly audio files. It is designed from the start to ease the creation of consistent datasets of audio files. We believe it is the best tool available to create dataset from few dozens to several thousands audios files. Recording productivity can reach up to 1000 audio recordings / hour, given a clean words list and an experienced user. Lingua-Libre is funded by Wikimedia France and actively used by the Wikimedia community.


Installation & Development

In order to create a level playing field for development this project uses docker & docker-compose, as well as composer for dependency management.

Install PHP dependencies

docker run -it --rm --user $(id -u):$(id -g) -v "$PWD":/app -v ~/.composer:/composer -w /app composer composer install

Start-up the system

export UID && docker-compose up

This will keep stay attached to your command line and show you useful debug information. The application should now already be available in your browser at http://localhost:8000.

Use a second command line and continue with the following commands to complete installation.

(Re-)Create Database

docker-compose exec app /code/bin/console doctrine:database:create --if-not-exists
docker-compose exec app /code/bin/console doctrine:schema:update --force
docker-compose exec app /code/bin/console doctrine:fixtures:load

Build the Javascript files

make -C web/js common.js

Technical todos

Hard dependencies

The following dependencies exist in the code and are yet to be addressed in the development environment or, at least, the README (e.g. required version).

Javascript build process

Currently the Javascript (web/js/common.js) is build using make. This is an anachronism to say the least. Switching to a more modern tool, like e.g. grunt, would resolve the hard dependency to both make and yui-compressor. Additionally, the jQuery file now commited into this repo (web/js/vendor/jquery-3.2.1.min.js) can then be replaced by Javascript package management (e.g. npm).



In order to provide very consistent, app-friendly files, the current functionality are :

Equipment (recommendation)

Cost : US$250 for external audio equipments + US$300 for optional PC = 250 ~ 550US$.

Audio hardware

Working process

  1. Data gathering : prepare a text file with a list of words/sentences, one by line.
  2. Speaker : find a willing speaker
  3. Facility : find a calm studio or room
  4. Hardware installation : install the equipment in the room so to work comfortably
  5. Software settings: connect to's studio, edit the settings according to your needs
  6. Recording : start your high quality massive audio recording. 1000~1500 items per half day is fair.
  7. Applications : be creative, invent your apps ! :D

Schematic image


See also authors.