wikipathways / BioThings_Explorer_PFOCR_prioritization

PFOCR for prioritization/clustering of BioThings Explorer (BTE) TRAPI results
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PFOCR for prioritization of BioThings Explorer (BTE) TRAPI results

This repo is for PFOCR for prioritization / clustering GitHub issue #538. The goal is to use PFOCR to do prioritization and/or grouping of trapi results using the following strategy:

  1. initially explore the idea using Jupyter notebooks to post-process trapi results for sample queries
  2. if the results from 1. are good, move the processing from the Jupyter notebooks into the JS code (probably in query_graph_handler). This code could run in conjunction with the actual calling of the APIs to get records, and potentially also in part afterwards to supplement the trapi results
  3. if the results from 2. are good, we can explore how to extend the ideas to the UI


  1. URL with TRAPI results (json format)
  2. Access to the Dropbox folder with PFOCR data.


This repo is build from the initial exploration done by Anders Riutta.

PET_notebook_v1.ipynb is a Jupyter notebook that addresses the requirements in issue #538.