WikiPathways Curation Tasks
This repository organizes prioritized curation tasks for WikiPathways. Each separate curation task is described in a GitHub "issue".
=> START HERE: View All Pathway Curation Tasks
Finding a curation task of interest
By label
Curation tasks are labeled to make it easier to find a task of interest to you:
- By topic area: for example drug mechanism pathway, disease genes
- By novelty in terms of gene content: for example novel disease genes, novel genes
- By Community: for example Lipid, Disease, CPTAC
- By difficulty level: good first issue (simpler tasks designed for beginners), needs work (more challenging tasks related to updating existing pathways)
- By source material: KEGG (suggested pathways insipred by the KEGG database), PFOCR (suggested new pathways from published pathway figures in the PFOCR database)
By search
Using the search bar at the top of the Pathway Curation Tasks, you can enter keywords to find relevant issues, i.e. "cancer".
Claiming a curation task
When you find a curation task you want to work on, leave a comment to the issue to indicate that you are plannng to work on it. A WikiPathways reviewer will assign you to the issue.