Game configuration:
Gym environment configuration: Either change the existing '' file ot create a new file follwoing the setup file convention and import it in the '' file.
Run Game: Running the game does not required any other external libraries. The version of python on which it was developed is 3.7.4. To run a game launch ''.
Create Gym environment: Initialize the environment to same variable by instantiating 'RoguesSoulsEnv' class, e.g. env = RoguesSoulsEnv()
Game actions: 'a', '4' - go, attack, pick and use item left 'd', '6' - go, attack, pick and use item right 'w', '2' - go, attack, pick and use item up 's', '8' - go, attack, pick and use item down
Developer actions: 'm', 'M' - discover/cover map (change mode) 'q', 'Q' - quit the game 'p', 'P' - print player's equipment
Env description and important information can be found in the '' file.
Testing Gym environment: Run ''.
Testing agent: Run ''.