wiktor-obrebski / projectksi

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projectksi README

You can read full documentation on http://docs.projectksi.com/.

Getting Started

I assume that you have virtualenv and easy_install installed in your Python.

First you need use virtualenv package to create a virtual environment. To do so, invoke the following::

$ virtualenv --no-site-packages --python=/usr/bin/python3.2 {targetDirectoryName} 
cd {targetDirectoryName}

Parameter --no-site-packages is deprecated and used as default in new version of virtualenv. Next you should clone project to this directory and run default setup.py file::

    git clone https://github.com/psychowico/projectksi.git
    cd projectksi
    ../bin/python setup.py develop

You need two additional dependencies in system to make our building process working correctly. It will be compiler for LESS files and compiler for COFFEE files. First you should install 'node-less' package. It will be needed in 'production' environment. On Ubuntu it should work:

sudo apt-get install node-less

Next you will need CoffeeScriptRedux_. Download it and follow their github page instructions. At end you need tell our builder where their bin/coffee file is. Easiest way is create a link to it. If you are in main "CoffeeScriptRedux" directory, you can create it by:

sudo ln -s ./bin/coffee /usr/bin/coffee-redux-comp

Or by modify projectksi.web_deps.coffee_compiler.path project configuration directive.

.. _LESS: http://lesscss.org/ .. _COFFEE: http://coffeescript.org/ .. _CoffeeScriptRedux: https://github.com/michaelficarra/CoffeeScriptRedux/

Project is ready to go. When you want run it in development mode try::

../bin/pserve development.ini

and check localhost:6543 address.