wildlifeai / Seeed_Grove_Vision_AI_Module_V2

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Himax examples for Seeed Grove Vision AI Module V2

This is a repository which step by step teaches you how to build your own examples and run on Seeed Grove Vision AI Module V2. Finally, teach you how to restore to the original factory settings and run SenseCraft AI from Seeed Studio.


How to build the firmware?

This part explains how you can build the firmware for Grove Vision AI Module V2.

Build the firmware at Linux environment

Note: The following has been tested to work on Ubuntu 20.04 PC

Build the firmware at Windows environment

How to flash the firmware?

This part explains how you can flash the firmware to Grove Vision AI Module V2.

System Requirement

Flash Image Update at Linux Environment

Following steps update application in the flash.

Flash Image Update at Linux Environment by python code

Flash Image Update at Windows Environment by python code

How to restore to the original factory settings

Linux Environment

How to build face mesh scenario_app and run on WE2?

Linux Environment

Windows Environment

Send image and meta data by UART

How to add support for raspberry pi camera?

You can reference the scenario app allon_sensor_tflm , allon_sensor_tflm_freertos and tflm_fd_fm. Take allon_sensor_tflm for example, you should only modify the allon_sensor_tflm.mk from cis_ov5647 to cis_imx219 or cis_imx477.


So that, it can support cis_imx219 or cis_imx477 camera.

How to use CMSIS-NN at the project?