wilkinson-workshop / dnd-app

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An interactive D&D combat companion.

Application architecture will be Python as the backend using FastAPI with React for the frontend. We will be using Redis for quick storage and retrieval. We will be using websockets for event driven workflows


First Steps

For first-time set-up of our application in development mode, you will need to first ensure you have an appropriate version of Python 3+ available on your machine.

$ python3 --version
Python 3.12.0

After ensuring Python is installed on your machine, it is recommended to initiate a virtual environment locally in this project and then activate the venv to use it. You may name the virtual environment whatever you like, but the recommended convention is .venv.

# From bash.
$ python3 -m venv .venv && source .venv/bin/activate

From here you can install the dependencies needed for development of this project.

$ pip3 install -U pip && pip3 install -U .

The above command chain will update pip the Python package manager and install our application as a package into the virtual environment. For most Python projects, this would be superfluous, however I've set up our application with a quick shortcut cli for easy start up.

$ scryer --help
Usage: scryer [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  Manage this application.

  --help  Show this message and exit.

  make   Build this project and install into the environment.
  start  Starts the web server.

Running scryer start from the virtual environment will kick off the application locally on your machine.

The UI

All these commands will be run inside the client folder so navigate there first in your terminal.

For first-time set-up of the application you will need to first ensure you have node.js available on your machine.

  node -v

If you dont you can download it from https://nodejs.org/en

The next step is to install dependencies.

  npm i

This should create a node_modules folder under the client directory.

To start the application running locally in dev mode. Once running you can go to the Run and Debug Tab in VS Code and run Launch React in Chrome. This will open a browser with the app loaded for debugging. Optionally just go to the local host url given when running.

  npm run dev