will-henney / proplyd-cloudy

Ionization/dynamic models of proplyds
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Programs to support work with Nahiely

** =src/cloudy=

*** =dense_phabden.cpp=

Implements the proplyd density profile.

** =src/parse-cloudy-output=

Routines for parsing Cloudy output.

*** The assumptions

  1. Cloudy input files are in a subdir =in/=, with name =PREFIX.in=
  2. All Cloudy output files are in a subdir =out/=, with names =PREFIX.SUFFIX=, where =PREFIX= is the same as in 1.
  3. Standard output of Cloudy run was redirected to =out/PREFIX.out=
  4. Using a version of cloudy where the =.em= header formatting bugs have been fixed

*** The code

Generated by tangling from [[file:doc/parse-cloudy-output.org][=doc/parse-cloudy-output.org=]]. See documentation in [[file:doc/parse-cloudy-output.html][=doc/parse-cloudy-output.html=]]

** Random edit to try out the new github mac app :LOGBOOK: