will0w7 / MoneyLooter

MoneyLooter - Loot and Gold Farm Tracker Addon for World of Warcraft
MIT License
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MoneyLooter - Loot and Gold Farm Tracker Addon


A lightweight and blazingly-fast 🦀 World of Warcraft addon designed to track your gold farms. Track both raw gold and the gold value of looted items thanks to amazing addons like Auctionator or TradeSkillMaster.

Key Features

New in 1.1: Summary Mode

Summary Mode

Now you can see your loot summary in a clear and organized manner. You can toggle between the loot summary and the loot list by right clicking the toggle button.

Thanks to loksinss (Issue #12) for the idea :)

New UI and MoneyLooter 1.0

New UI

I've been working for a few days on a new UI to get rid of the old look of the previous one but keep it simple and performant, and with the release of the 1.0 here it is!

This new version comes with this flawless UI and a lot of bug fixes!

I might still change a few things, but for now I'm happy with the result 🙂


Download the latest release from Wago, CurseForge, WoWInterface or GitHub using your favourite addon manager.

Manual Installation

  1. Download the latest release from the releases page.
  2. Extract the contents of the zip file into your World of Warcraft\VERSION\Interface\AddOns directory.
  3. Launch World of Warcraft and enable the addon in the AddOns list.

Compatibility Status

Version Status
Cataclysm Classic
Classic Era
Classic Hardcore
Season of Discovery

✅ = Compatible

❔ = Untested

❌ = Not compatible

Note: Since Wrath and TBC no longer have official servers and are causing some issues with CurseForge, I will no longer be supporting these versions but I will continue packaging the TOC files in the addon.


Once installed login in to the game or /reload your interface and you will see MoneyLooter ready to be used.

You can alternate between /ml or /moneylooter for chat commands. In the following examples I will use /ml.

    /ml: Toggle show/hide addon window
    /ml show: Show MoneyLooter
    /ml hide: Hide MoneyLooter
    /ml info: Shows information about the addon

    /ml custom: Sets a custom TSM string to be used in the price calculation. If empty, returns the custom TSM string it's currently using.

    /ml mprice: Sets the minimum price threshold for a given quality.
        mpricex: All available qualities.
        mprice1: Quality 1 - Common - White
        mprice2: Quality 2 - Uncommon - Green
        mprice3: Quality 3 - Rare - Blue
        mprice4: Quality 4 - Epic - Purple
    * The rest of the qualities will use the vendor price, if they have it.

The price format for mpricex is a number followed by g(old), s(ilver) or c(opper). If you only specify the number, gold will be used by default.

    /ml mprice1 50 s
    /ml mprice2 5000
    /ml mprice3 500 g
    /ml mprice4 5 c


Important: MoneyLooter values items using the TradeSkillMaster and Auctionator addons. If both are available, it will always use TSM. It's a cascading system, first it will check TSM, if it's not available then Auctionator and finally, if neither is available, it will use the vendor value. I've done it this way because, in my opinion, TSM offers the most accurate and up-to-date prices (if you use the TSM custom string correctly, although for the current expansion, 'dbmarket' is a reliable source of information, it's not so true for old content, transmogs, etc).

MoneyLooter by default sets the minimum prices to 0 for all item qualities. Also, the TSM string it uses is 'dbmarket'. If you want to change this setting you can do the following:

This setting are account-wide so you only have to set it once and you can use it on all your characters.

Note: For accurate item pricing using Auctionator, ensure you have scanned the auction house with it recently.


Why not? 🙂


I developed this addon at the end of BFA, during the Shadowlands pre-patch for personal use and every time I come back to the game I use it, almost always unchanged or making slight changes because the Blizzard interface API has changed.

I've used it in Retail, Classic, Classic Era, Classic Hardcore and SoD, but until now I've kept it for personal use (although the GitHub repository was always public). With the release of TWW I decided to almost completely rewrite the addon code to make it much easier to extend the functionality, debug and make it even more efficient.

So after several days of hard work (never look at that code you wrote all those years ago and thought it was fine), I've decided to make it public, because every time I come back to the game I look for addons to track my farms and I never find anything that I really like.

Plus, I think even if I leave the game, it would cost me little to no effort to keep it updated (I hope).

Contributing and Issues

Contributions are welcome! If you have any suggestions, bug reports, or feature requests, please open an issue on the Issues page.

Feel free to report issues or doubts 😊


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.