willSapgreen / stereo-vision

A multiple computer vision and machine learning algorithms development/integration
GNU General Public License v3.0
134 stars 63 forks source link


This README would normally document whatever steps are necessary to get your application up and running.

Performance Result

YouTube Video


GPX Result

GroundTruth(blue) AND VisualOdom(red)

What is this repository for?

stereo-vision is a tool which contains the following computer vision and machine learning developments,

and will continue integrating more developments.

. stereomapper

A Qt GUI to read KITTI dataset and visualize the disparity map/visual odometry.

The original resource is from http://www.cvlibs.net/software/libviso/

The version here only contains the playback function but with

the memory leak fix.

. libviso2

A library for computing the six DOF motion of a moving mono/stereo camera.

The original resource is from http://www.cvlibs.net/software/libviso/

. libelas

A library for computing disparity maps from rectified graylevel stereo pairs.

How do I get set up?

. System setup:

. git clone the repo.

. git submodule update.

. Dependencies:

. OpenCV 3.1.0

. Qt Creator 4.2.1

. Database setup:

. download the KITTI raw data


. unzip the calibration zip file to "calib" folder.

. unzip the sync zip file to "sync" folder.

. unzip the tracklets zip file to "tracklets" folder.

. System executation:

. Load stereomapper.pro in /stereomapper/

. Run qmake

. Build stereomapper project and run the project

. Click "Scan" button and open the folder contains "calib", "sync" and "tracklets" folders

Contribution guidelines

Who do I talk to?

. Andreas Geiger ( geiger@kit.edu )