willasm / vc-weather

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Visual Crossing Weather

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This is a replacement for my OpenWeather plugin. Open Weather has discontinued its version 2.5 API on which that plugin is based. They do have a 3.0 API, but that requires a credit card to subscribe to and a lot of people, myself included, are not willing to do that.

Quite a while ago a user requested a feature that was not available in the Open Weather API but mentioned it was available in the Visual Crossing API. After looking closer at the API I saw many advantages in switching to over to it. The only thing that had stopped me is it meant a complete re-wite of the plugin as the differences in the API's was far to great and having to maintain 2 plugins that did the same thing seemed pointless. Now that Open Weather has discontinued API 2.5 I am free to develop this new plugin.

This new plugin uses the Visual Crossing API.

You can get your free API key here. It is free and does not require a credit card.

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Template Macros

The text macros are used to represent a weather data object and will be expanded to display that particular weather data item at runtime. All macros are contained within 2 percent signs. For an example, %temp% represents the current temperature and will be replaced by eg. 24. %humidity% represents the current humidity and will be replaced with eg. 80%. For a detailed complete list of available macros in table form see Macros.md

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The Statusbar Weather Display & Templates

Note: this feature is not available in the mobile version

The current Weather

The current weather is displayed in the statusbar. This is optional and can be disabled in the settings if you would like to remove it. The string itself is completely customizable and can be defined to display whatevever information you would like to see. There is also a second statusbar template string available. By default both strings are displayed in the statusbar, alternating every 30 seconds. This behavior can also be disabled in the settings if you wish. Disabling this would result in only the first string being displayed. The default strings display the current weather information for the first one and the second displays weather information for tommorow.

The default first string 🔸%address%: %dow2-today% %month3-today% %date1-today%🔸High: %tempmax-today%° Low: %tempmin-today%°🔸Currently: %conditions% Temperature: %temp%° Feels Like: %feelslike%°🔸 displays...


The default second string 🔸%address%: %dow2-in1day% %month3-in1day% %date1-in1day%🔸High: %tempmax-in1day%° Low: %tempmin-in1day%° 🔸 Clouds: %cloudcover-in1day% Probabilty of precipitation: %precipprob-in1day% (%preciptype-in1day%)🔸 displays...


The statusbar cycling...


Weather Alerts

If a weather alert is active it will be displayed in the statusbar in red. Only one alert is displayed at a time with your primary location taking the highest precedence, then your additional locations in the order that they are entered in the settings. Mouse over the statusbars weather alert to see a description of the alert. Click the statusbars weather alert text to open in your default browser the web page associated with the alert.

Example of a weather alert...

Weather Alert

For more detailed information on the statusbar templates see Statusbar Templates.md

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The Weather Templates

The weather templates are used to insert weather information into your documents

Note: The first line of these templates is the text string used in the command palette and and insert template modal. This first line is not inserted with the rest of the template. You should use short meaningful descriptions on the first line when defining your own templates.

There are 8 available templates that can be inserted into your documents. These are completely customizable and can be used to display the weather in any format you wish to see. These templates can be inserted either from the command palette or from the insert weather template modal. The insert weather template modal can be displayed either from the command pallete or by selecting the thermometer icon in Obsidians ribbon bar.

Command palette...


Insert weather template modal...


For a much more detailed overview of the weather templates see Weather Templates.md

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Obsidian & Templater Templates Support

Insertion of the weather templates can be automated by using Obsidian or Templater plugin templates. Simply add the following to your templates.

The strings above will autmatically be replaced with the templates data when a new file is created with the template or you insert the template into an existing document. Note that the Templater plugin is not required to expand the weather string templates, that is handled by this plugin itself.

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Plugin Commands

All these commands are available from the command palette

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Visual Crossing API authentification Key

Enter your Visual Crossing API Key here (Required)

Go here to get your Visual Crossing API key or use this direct link to the sign up page for your free API key

Primary location

You must add at least your primary location here, the additional locations are optional

Additional locations 1 to 4

If you wish to get weather information for any additional locations you may define them here (optional)

Units of measurement

Select from the dropdown United States, Metric, United Kingdom, or Base Note: Base returns temperatures in degrees Kelvin, not very useful in this application

Exclude template folder

You must add your templates folder here. Not doing so would result in all defined weather templates being replaced with weather data. There is an optional second exclude folder which could be useful for your scripts folder. This second one is optional.

Update frequency

Time interval for updating the current weather information that is displayed in the statusbar and DIV's (5, 10, 15, 20, 30 or 60 minutes). How often the weather data is actually updated is dependent on the weather stations near your location. I Recommend setting this to 10 to 30 minutes. The weather stations near you are not likely to update in a shorter time than that.

Show weather in the statusbar

Toggles the weather display in the statusbar on or off

Cycle statusbar display

Toggles cycling the statusbar weather display between the 2 statusbar templates on or off. The templates are alternated every 30 seconds

Primary statusbar template

This template will always be displayed in the statusbar when enabled

Secondary statusbar template

This template will only be displayed when statubar cycling is enabled. Each template will be displayed every 30 seconds

Weather templates

These are the 8 weather templates used to insert weather data into your documents

Note: The first line is used by the command palette menu to identify the template

This line is not inserted into your document, see the default templates for examples

For a much more detailed overview of the templates see Weather Templates.md

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Dynamic Weather Using DIV's

You can insert the following DIV's inside your documents to provide dynamic weather which is updated at the frequency set in the settings Update Frequency setting. The weather_historical_3 is the weather information recorded at the time the document is created and the weather_current_4 is dynamic current weather information.

<div class="weather_historical_3">%weather3%</div>
<div class="weather_current_4"></div>

For example this is what I use in my daily template...

dynamic weather

You can use the following class's to insert the corresponding weather templates


Note: I will be adding an example vault explaing how to accomplish this very soon

It is a very involved process which can not be summarized in this short document

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