willbulka / SearchEngineFinal

Big Fun
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Team 8

The following are the parts of the final search engine according to:


We have agreed to break this up into the following parts:

Part 1.   Chong & Will
Part 2.   Joshua Kinney
Part 3.   Tanner Woody
Part 4.   Chong
Part 5.   Tim Miller

For Part 4, we will collaborate that evenly. Will and Chong also have agreed to tackle this after Part 1 is done.

Several of us will also be looking online at Parsers (which is a build of regex).


State of Program

12-12-14 Interactive Server

The server team spent a significant amount of days trying multiple different attempts at setting up an interactive server. Team 8 wanted to allow users to search from our local host in order to access the searching functions of our program. Unfortunately, we were unable to complete this task. Please see Team 8's issues on githubfor a more in-depth display of this effort. The server process was greatly complicated by the differences in requirements on home/school computers and different versions of eclipse and the versions of eclipse deemed necessary by many of our tutorials. Utlimately, the server teamed thoroughly researched multiple methods but was unable to complete the task as we planned. Near the end of the project, we came close to implimenting our home.html file (which was constructed to house our search box etc - available in the misc folder), but were forced to abandon this feature due to preparation for impending files. Although this task was not completed as planned, we hope that the grading team will consider our effort.