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.. image:: https://www.travis-ci.com/willforde/script.module.codequick.svg?branch=master :target: https://www.travis-ci.com/willforde/script.module.codequick
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Codequick is a framework for kodi add-on's. The goal for this framework is to simplify add-on development. This is achieved by reducing the amount of boilerplate code to a minimum, while automating as many tasks that can be automated. Ultimately, allowing the developer to focus primarily on scraping content from websites and passing it to Kodi.
* Route dispatching (callbacks)
* Callback arguments can be any Python object that can be "pickled"
* Delayed execution (execute code after callbacks have returned results)
* No need to set "isplayable" or "isfolder" properties
* Supports both Python 2 and 3
* Auto sort method selection
* Better error reporting
* Full unicode support
* Sets "mediatype" to "video" or "music" depending on listitem type if not set
* Sets "xbmcplugin.setContent" base off mediatype infolabel.
* Sets "xbmcplugin.setPluginCategory" to the title of current folder
* Sets "thumbnail" to add-on icon image if not set
* Sets "fanart" to add-on fanart image if not set
* Sets "icon" to "DefaultFolder.png" or "DefaultVideo.png’ if not set
* Sets "plot" to the listitem title if not set
* Auto type convertion for (str, unicode, int, float, long) infolables and stream info
* Support for media flags e.g. High definition '720p', audio channels '2.0'
* Reimplementation of the listitem class, that makes heavy use of dictionaries
* Built-in support for saved searches
* Youtube.DL intergration (https://forum.kodi.tv/showthread.php?tid=200877)
* URLQuick intergration (http://urlquick.readthedocs.io/en/stable/)
* Youtube intergration
* Supports use of "reuselanguageinvoker"
Documentation can be found over at ReadTheDocs. https://scriptmodulecodequick.readthedocs.io/en/stable/