williamespindola / field

Field is a little CMS providing only api and console resources
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console php


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Field is a blueprint to work as a CMS inspired on cockpit. Via command line you can create fields for your partials and consume in your project using Repository, Services or Extensions.



You can create Languages, Collections, Fields and Options. Here some examples:

php vendor/bin/field create Language en_EN English

php vendor/bin/field create Collection header Header en_EN

php vendor/bin/field create Field about "About text" en_EN html
php vendor/bin/field create Field meta-keys Metakeys en_EN text header
php vendor/bin/field create Field contact Contact en_EN text

php vendor/bin/field create Option Girl contact en_EN
php vendor/bin/field create Option Boy contact en_EN

Now you can use some repository or services to consume, or implement the storage as you need and white you own repository and services. Example!

use WilliamEspindola\Field\Storage\ORM\Doctrine;
use WilliamEspindola\Field\Repository\FieldRepository;

$doctrineStorage    = new Doctrine(/** doctrine setup */); // you can uss orther ORM as you want
$repository         = new FieldRepository($doctrineStorage);


Checkout the docs on wiki!


Via Composer

$ composer require williamespindola/field


php vendor/bin/field

See all documentation on Wiki

Change log

Please see CHANGELOG for more information what has changed recently.


$ composer test


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.


If you discover any security related issues, please email oi@williamespindola.com.br instead of using the issue tracker.



The BSD License (BSD). Please see License File for more information.