williamkapke / node-compat-table

node.green - Node.js ECMAScript compatibility tables
852 stars 32 forks source link

another open source repo to display kangax test results #6

Open jonknapp opened 8 years ago

jonknapp commented 8 years ago

Excellent work on the project!

I've been working on a similar project that focuses on the Node runtimes supported by AWS Lambda: http://whatdoeslambdasupport.com

If it's helpful to you at all, the code is all open source: https://github.com/coffeeandcode/whatdoeslambdasupport.com/

I haven't gotten around to design and functionality yet, but I like what you've done.

jonknapp commented 6 years ago

Just a heads up, I may be letting this website expire in the near future. AWS's node support has gotten much better and the feature discrepancy is no longer as prominent between versions.

I would be quite ok with someone closing this issue at some point, but I'll leave that responsibility for someone else.