williamkapke / node-compat-table

node.green - Node.js ECMAScript compatibility tables
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Node.js ECMAScript compatibility tables

node-compat-tables is built on top of Kangax's hard work. The majority of the credit needs to be given to the contributors of that project.

Although Kangax's compat table is amazing, it focuses on the entire Javascript ecosystem. As a Node.js developer- I, thankfully, do not need to be super concerned with all of the flavors out there. What I do need are deeper insights in the variations across the fast moving versions of Node.js. So, I created node-compat-table.

It works by running a script that imports the latest set of ES6 ES2015, ES2016 and ES2017 tests from the compat-table project and running them against several versions of node PLUS the nightly build. The results are committed/published here.

CLI or programmatic using

There is a Node.js module which you can programmatically check the compatibility. Also, there is a CLI program done this work.

For details, you can check out the two repositories below:

Making change to the webpage

The webpage is hosted via GitHub.

The build.js file: 1) aggregates the data from the /results folder for the versions listed in v8.versions 2) uses index.pug to generate index.html

So, change index.pug then run:

$ node build.js

** Note: If a version is listed in v8.versions that doesn't have results generated in the /results directory, the column will be empty (all white cells- no text).

How tests are run

A scheduled task runs on GitHub Actions runs bash test.sh once a day, which saves the results to the /results directory, rebuilds the webpage.

It then push the changes to the GitHub repo when complete.



MIT Copyright (c) William Kapke