williamkapke / node-compat-table

node.green - Node.js ECMAScript compatibility tables
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Display release date and/or percentage of users for different Node.js versions #75

Open D-Pow opened 4 years ago

D-Pow commented 4 years ago

It would be very helpful if node.green displayed the release date for each version of Node.js, either above/below the X% compatible or on Node.js version mouse hover. This would help in knowing if we should even bother supporting a particular Node.js version or not.

Likewise, but possibly more difficult, it would be just as helpful to know the percentage of Node.js users that use each version. This way, devs know which platforms they should write their code to work on and the checks that are necessary for each (e.g. Can I use import(esmModule.js).then() here or do I need to add some sort of node polyfill/package to handle this? What would be the repercussions if I don't?).