willschulz / tricordR

Twitter study management via R
MIT License
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tricordR is an R package that helps automate and monitor Twitter scraping and related data collection activities, designed particularly for studies that involve tracking the same sets of users over a period of time. It is built upon rtweet, providing several key features that make large-scale data collection faster, simpler, and more manageable:

These tools are designed to minimize the time and effort required to collect data, so you can focus on research design and analysis.

Getting Started


Since tricordR is still in development, it is only available by invitation to this private repository. To install it, therefore, you must use Hadley’s devtools package and pass your GitHub personal access token to the install_github function.

# install.packages("devtools")
devtools::install_github("willschulz/tricordR", auth_token = "YOUR_GH_PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN")


Before collecting any data, run the following code to create tricordR’s data folder (which is called “tricordings”) in your home directory:


The tricordings folder is where scraped data, scraping logs, and token sets will be stored. Beware: re-initializing will result in deletion of any existing tricordR data that has been collected in tricordings!

Saving Tokens

After initializing, install a set of Twitter tokens by passing the relevant parameters to the saveToken function:

saveToken(set_name = "my_twitter_tokens",
          consumer_key = YOUR_CONSUMER_KEY,
          consumer_secret = YOUR_CONSUMER_SECRET,
          access_token = YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN,
          access_secret = YOUR_ACCESS_SECRET)

Repeat this process, keeping set_name fixed, for all the tokens you have created on your Twitter developer account (up to 9). This will save all your tokens in a convenient list object, stored in tricordR_data/tokens/my_twitter_tokens.rds, so that high-level scraping functions can cycle through them to speed up data collection.

Automated Scraping via Cron

If you intend to use tricordR’s automated scraping features, add the following line to your crontab:

00 12 * * * /usr/local/bin/Rscript /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/4.0/Resources/library/tricordR/scripts/daily_twitter_scrape.R

This will prompt tricordR to update all tracked user panels (see below) at 12 noon every day, so long as your computer is not asleep. If you’re new to cron and use a mac, see this helpful primer. Note: If the above path is not the correct path to your installation of tricordR, replace it with the path returned by the following R command:

system.file("scripts", "daily_twitter_scrape.R", package = "tricordR")

Similarly, you may need to specify a different path to your Rscript installation using the following bash command:

which Rscript

Finally, to save logs from automated scrapes, add the following line to the end of your cron job, specifying the path to your tricordings folder (which should be in your home directory).

>> /path/to/tricordings/logs/daily_twitter_scrape_log.txt

Collecting Data

Studies and Panels

Data collection in tricordR is organized with respect to user panels, which are nested within studies. Panels serve to organize sets of users in a shared category (for example, study participants) within studies where other panels of users (for example, the users followed by the study participants) are also being tracked as part of the same research project.

So, to begin collecting data, first create a study:


This simply creates a new folder in the tricordR_data/studies directory, where user panels can be added. Adding a user panel is more involved, since it requires specifying the set of users you wish to track, and the data you wish to collect about them. For example:

my_tokens <- prepTokens("my_twitter_tokens", 1:9) #prepare all nine of your tokens for usage

user_ids <- rtweet::stream_tweets(timeout = 10, #get some random user ids by streaming tweets for 10 seconds
                                  token = my_tokens[[1]], #you'll only need one of your tokens for this
                                  ) %>% filter(lang == "en") %>% pull(user_id) %>% unique() #pull unique user_ids of people tweeting in english

if (length(user_ids)>25) {user_ids <- user_ids[1:25]} #if there are more than 25, take the first 25 for a rapid demonstration

addPanel(study_name = "my_first_study",
         panel_name = "random_tweeters",
         user_ids = user_ids,
         scrape_timelines = TRUE,
         scrape_friends = TRUE,
         scrape_followers = FALSE,
         scrape_favorites = FALSE,
         first_scrape = TRUE,
         tokens = my_tokens) #use all nine of your tokens for this (it can take a few minutes)

By calling addPanel, we create a new panel (“random_tweeters”) within the study we just created (“my_first_study”), and specify the kinds of data we would like to collect: we want to scrape their timelines (AKA their tweets), and their friends (AKA the people the follow), but not their followers or their favorites (AKA their likes). By passing the value TRUE for initial_scrape, we tell tricordR to go ahead and collect this data immediately, using the list of tokens we prepared above. When scrape_timelines is TRUE, this initial scrape will include the last 3200 tweets available from each user.

Moreover, these settings are saved, and if you have added the daily_twitter_scrape.R to your crontab as instructed above, tricordR will automatically update these datasets daily: in this case, we would collect daily snapshots of the accounts these users follow (their friends), and download any new tweets from these users that have been tweeted since the previous timeline scrape.

If we subsequently want to edit the panel, we can call editPanel() and pass a set of additional users we’d like to add to the panel, or specify users to remove from the panel (data collected from removed users will not be deleted, but future scrapes will not collect further data on these users). We can also change the kinds of data we collect about the users in this panel (however it is not recommended to initiate timeline or favorite scraping in panels where these data types were not initially being collected - if these data types are of interest, the panel should be initiated with these arguments set to TRUE).

editPanel(study_name = "my_first_study",
          panel_name = "random_tweeters",
          add_users = user_ids[1:3]) #tricordR will automatically stop you from adding duplicate users

editPanel(study_name = "my_first_study",
          panel_name = "random_tweeters",
          remove_users = user_ids[1:3])

editPanel(study_name = "my_first_study",
          panel_name = "random_tweeters",
          scrape_followers = TRUE)

#calling editPanel with no optional arguments will print the panel's current settings
editPanel(study_name = "my_first_study",
          panel_name = "random_tweeters")

We can also add a second panel to this study by calling addPanel again. Let’s also take advantage of this opportunity to make use of the data we just collected. For example, let’s read in the data we scraped on users’ friends (accounts they follow) and pull out the top 25 people followed by more than one person in our first panel. Then, we’ll add them to a new panel, called “popular_friends,” where we’ll only scrape their timelines.

first_friends <- dir("~/tricordings/studies/my_first_study/random_tweeters/twitter_scrapes/first_friends/", full.names = T)[1] %>% readRDS(.)

popular_friends <- first_friends %>% group_by(user_id) %>% summarise(count = n()) %>% filter(count>1) %>% arrange(desc(count)) #get the most popular friends

if (nrow(popular_friends)>25) {popular_friends <- popular_friends[1:25,]} #if there are more than 25, take the 25 most popular

addPanel(study_name = "my_first_study",
         panel_name = "popular_friends",
         user_ids = popular_friends$user_id,
         scrape_timelines = TRUE,
         scrape_friends = FALSE,
         scrape_followers = FALSE,
         scrape_favorites = FALSE,
         first_scrape = TRUE,
         tokens = my_tokens) #use all nine of your tokens for this

We can continue adding more panels to this study if we want, as there is no formal limit to the number of panels per study, however the scraping dashboards (see next section) are currently optimized for studies with two panels (this may be generalized in future updates to this package).

Visualizing Data Collection

To check whether timeline scraping is up-to-date, launch the Timeline Dashboard using the following function:

runTimelineDash() #a static version

runTimelineDashD3() #an experimental interactive version

To visualize the network structure of the users we are tracking, launch the Network Dashboard using the following function:


A La Carte Scraping with Workhorse Functions

Sometimes we want to collect Twitter data in an isolated batch, without initiating these processes to track panels of users. To do this, while still taking advantage of tricordR’s token efficiencies, we use the mid-level workhorse functions shown below.

test_timelines <- getTimelinesHistorical(users = user_ids[1:3], list_tokens = my_tokens)
test_followers <- getFollowersBig(users = user_ids[1:3], n = 20000, list_tokens = my_tokens, max_hours = 1)
test_friends <- getFriendsBig(users = user_ids[1:3], n = 20000, list_tokens = my_tokens, max_hours = 1)

Reading Data for Analysis

When we want to read in the full timeline datasets to R for analysis, we need convenient access to the data we have collected. To do this, use the prep_timeline_data() function, with the options specified below, to read in all available timeline data that has been scraped to date.

all_timeline_data <- prep_timeline_data(panel_directory = "~/tricordings/studies/my_first_study/random_tweeters", sessions_back = 1, load_all_since_first = T, include_historical = T, all_columns = T)
