wilschmidtt / Skin-Cancer-Detection-Convolutional-Neural-Network

Created project as a part of the HackDavis 2020 challenge. Convolutional Neural Network that can detect signs of skin cancer in images with 87% accuracy
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Datasets #1

Open Nithinmelala opened 4 years ago

Nithinmelala commented 4 years ago

Respected William Schmidt,

This Project is very interesting. I am attempting to rehearse this project. But unfortunately, I am not ready to download the datasets from this connection: (Skin Cancer CNN - https://drive.google.com/drive/organizers/1-i04lh7KtMQQNSdfGCRMzWWdaVsOkKpi?usp=sharing).

would you be able to assist me with getting this dataset?

Thank You.

wilschmidtt commented 4 years ago

Hi Nithin,

You are able to download the dataset from the following link on Kaggle: https://www.kaggle.com/fanconic/skin-cancer-malignant-vs-benign. Let me know if you have any trouble downloading it.

Best, William Schmidt

On Thu, Apr 9, 2020 at 12:18 PM Nithin M E notifications@github.com wrote:

Respected William Schmidt,

This Project is very interesting. I am attempting to rehearse this project. But unfortunately, I am not ready to download the datasets from this connection: (Skin Cancer CNN - https://drive.google.com/drive/organizers/1-i04lh7KtMQQNSdfGCRMzWWdaVsOkKpi?usp=sharing ).

would you be able to assist me with getting this dataset?

Thank You.

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Nithinmelala commented 4 years ago

Thank You so much for your quick response. I discovered it.

Would I be able to realize how to download the files titled model.json and model.h5

Nithinmelala commented 4 years ago

Thank you. I found the files. Issues resolved.

wilschmidtt commented 4 years ago

Got it, glad you were able to find everything. Hope you are able to figure it all out.

Best, William Schmidt

On Thu, Apr 9, 2020 at 8:54 PM Nithin M E notifications@github.com wrote:

Thank you. I found the files. Issues resolved.

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