wilschmidtt / Skin-Cancer-Detection-Convolutional-Neural-Network

Created project as a part of the HackDavis 2020 challenge. Convolutional Neural Network that can detect signs of skin cancer in images with 87% accuracy
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Skin Cancer Detection Convolutional Neural Network - HackDavis 2020

The Event

UC Davis's Premir Hack-A-Thon for social good! On January 18-19, over 600 students, hackers, and creators came together for 24 hours of hacking. For the 5th year in a row, the most talented students in California come together to address the world’s most pressing issues. Participants are able to build projects that address any social good initiatives.

Team's Solution

Build and train a Convolutional Neural Network to detect if skin scans show signs of cancer. View Project Website Here


Libraries to Install

Running the Program

Final Thoughts

Next Steps

