wilzxu / LightNuclei

Simultaneous nuclei counting and segmentation by deep learning model
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LightNuclei: Simultaneous Nuclei Counting and Segmentation by a Light-weighted Deep Learning Model

This repository contains codes for an automated nuclei detection pipeline that is based on Yuanfang's gold medal solution in the 2018 International Data Science Bowl.

Please contact (gyuanfan@umich.edu) if you have any questions or suggestions.


Git clone LightNuclei:

git clone https://github.com/GuanLab/LightNuclei.git



The complete dataset for training can be downloaded from 2018 International Data Science Bowl.

Please download stage1_train.zip into data directory, and decompress there.

This step will generate a set of list files that split 80% of the images for training and 20% for testing (list_test). Furthermore, The training set is randomly split into 80% nested training (list_train_x.1) and 20% validation set(list_train_x.2) for five times.

/path/to/weight : .h5 weight file is passed to the program. Example is ./weights/pretrained.h5, or is produced and stored in ./logs/ after training the model in step 2.

This step will generate a set of folders named as vis_0, vis_0a, vis_1, vis_1a, vis_2, vis_2a, vis_3, vis_3a. Each folder contains a set of images that is a rotation/flip variant of the original test image set. The prediction is visualized in these images as binary mask.

Example prediction is shown below.