wimdeblauwe / vite-spring-boot

Apache License 2.0
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Spring Boot library for Vite integration

This library allows to use Vite as the frontend build tool to have live reloading (Called Hot Module Replacement or HMR).

It must be used together with the vite-plugin-spring-boot on the frontend.

[!TIP] The easiest way to generate a working setup is to generate the Spring Boot project using ttcli.

Maven configuration

When using Thymeleaf:


Other templating engines are currently not supported, but you can use the classes in vite-spring-boot as those do not depend on Thymeleaf to build support. Use the following dependency in that case:



Hot Module Reload client

Vite needs the HMR client rendered when running in DEV mode. This library exposes the <vite:client> tag to conditionally render the HMR depending on the value of the vite.mode application configuration setting.

For example:


If the mode is DEV, then the HMR client is rendered. If it is BUILD then nothing is rendered.

React components and Hot Module Reload

If you want to add React componets on your Thymeleaf page, then you need to something extra to make the HMR work. You need the <vite:react-refresh> on your page.

For example:


If the mode is DEV, then the extra code is rendered. If it is BUILD then nothing is rendered.

Vite entry points

Any CSS or JavaScript that is used in the Spring Boot application needs to be added to the list of entrypoints. The <vite:vite> and <vite:entry> tags can be used for this.

For example:

   <vite:entry value="/css/application.css"></vite:entry>

When running in DEV mode, this will point to the HMR server of Vite so live reloading works. When running in BUILD mode, the manifest JSON that Vite generates is read and the links to the compiled assets are generated.

If you add an entry point here, you also need to add it to your vite.config.js, otherwise the production build will not pick it up!


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.


Apache 2.0


To release a new version of the project, follow these steps:

  1. Update pom.xml with the new version (Use mvn versions:set -DgenerateBackupPoms=false -DnewVersion=<VERSION>)
  2. Commit the changes locally.
  3. Tag the commit with the version (e.g. 1.0.0) and push the tag.
  4. Create a new release in GitHub via https://github.com/wimdeblauwe/vite-spring-boot/releases/new
    • Select the newly pushed tag
    • Update the release notes. This should automatically start the release action.
  5. Update pom.xml again with the next SNAPSHOT version.
  6. Close the milestone in the GitHub issue tracker.