wimsio / coxygen

This is the place where the catalyst funded proposal Cardano Ecosystem : Smart Contract Languages Live Support(Oxygen), Documentation and Adoption (https://cardano.ideascale.com/c/idea/112227) open source code, files, etc will be shared with the rest of the Cardano Community
MIT License
17 stars 1 forks source link

A: Coxygen


Coxygen is a 24/7 Cardano Live Technical Support Service on Cardano Smart Contract development languages. These are many and include :Haskell, Aiken, Marlowe, helios, Lucid, Mesh, Maestro, Demeter and many others. The list keeps changing. We support only those that are actively maintained by their developer teams.

This Coxygen github will have the following:

a. Feedback reports

b. Links to videos on Smart Contract Languages guided usage

c. Technical Documentations on Smart Contract Languages installations and pre-requisites

d. Tests on source code

e. User Help Documentation on Smart Contract Development Languages

f. Links to Sessions of live support recorded videos on Smart Contract languages

The platform is for helpers and those who need live support. The terms used in Coxygen are explained below:

B: Terms explanations:

  1. CSCD – refers to Cardano Smart Contract Development. It is web3 on EUTXO blockchain model.
  2. TSSH – are Technical Support Service Helpers on Cardano Smart Contract development languages.
  3. TSSR – are those in need of immediate technical help on Smart Contract development languages. They are Technical Support Service Receivers.
  4. TLSS – are 30 minutes live support sessions solving a small proble using audio/video sessions.

C: Milestone achievements reports:

C.1. March - April 2024

a. Feedback reports

  1. image

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  7. image

b. Links to videos on Smart Contract Languages guided usage

  1. EUTXO Tutorial Session Video
  2. Marlowe Introduction
  3. Plutus Ledger API V1
  4. Overview of Haskell and Functional programming Session Augustine
  5. Smart Contract Tesing Jimba js Introduction
  6. GHCi - Cabal Installations

c. Technical Documentations on Smart Contract Languages installations, pre-requisites and Smart Contract development guides

  1. Aiken Development guide
  2. Haskell, Marlowe, Aike, Helios, Lucid and Mesh Installation guides

d. Tests on source code

  1. Lucid front end testing with jimba js
  2. Jimbajs Tesing Library for Cardano Smart Contract Frontend Rapid Testing
  3. Helios Testing Video

e. User Help Documentation on Smart Contract Development Languages

  1. Cardano Wallets Billie Mathema 29-03-2024
  2. Github For New Developers Ridotshila Mambeda 29-03-2024
  3. Nami Wallet on Chrome browser by Mugdor Mary 29-04-2024

f. Links to Sessions of live support recorded videos on Smart Contract languages

  1. Aiken Syntax Austine (2024-04-24 12_26 GMT+2).mp4
  2. Ousman Richard Mandisa(2024-04-21 17_51 GMT+2).mp4
  3. Augustine Aiken (2024-04-19 22_41 GMT+2).mp4
  4. Banele Training video connect wallet.mp4</a
  5. Augustine Nigeria Aiken videosRecord-admin@coxygen.co-1_26_51 PM.webm
  6. Billie GHCi - Cabal - Nix etc installations (2024-03-03 16_02 GMT+2).mp4
  7. Lucid Session Banele on Smart Contracts(2024-03-05 13_44 GMT+2).mp4
  8. Helios Testing Stellar Contracts Alex Seregin (2024-03-05 20_48 GMT+2).mp4
  9. Aiken vesting smart contract Banele Session (2024-03-28 13_02 GMT+2).mp4
  10. Buzwane Tefo Session Send Data Cardano eUTXOs on explorer 2 (2024-02-23 19_07 GMT+2).mp4
  11. Alex Seregin-Bernard Sibanda Fixing Helios Errors (2024-03-29 16_09 GMT+2).mp4
  12. Billie and Bernard Testing NFTs with Hlios (2024-04-01 10_01 GMT+2).mp4
  13. Gift Card Aiken demo Banele (2024-04-03 09_53 GMT+2).mp4
  14. Mary Bugdor user documentation Nami wallet session (2024-04-22 19_12 GMT+2).mp4
  15. Bernard walk through on commandline commands with Ridochila (2024-04-25 11_42 GMT+2).mp4
  16. Coxygen Token Banele Session (2024-05-01 15_25 GMT+2).mp4
  17. Ridochila and Mary Pre requisites for Helios Lucid and Mesah-2024-04-29 11_12 GMT+2.mp4
  18. Mary Smart Contract Documentation (2024-04-30 15_56 GMT+2).mp4
  19. documentation using mdbook Banele Ridochila (2024-05-02 18_06 GMT+2).mp4
  20. Lock and Unlock ADA using Aiken Session Banele.mp4
  21. Aiken-errors-resolved-Augustine-2024-04-19-13_03.mp4
  22. Baudoiun Muvunga and Augustine - Coxygen and Aiken Session 2024-04-20 21_33 GMT+2.mp4
  23. Errors fixed Aiken Augustine session (2024-04-24 14_33 GMT+2).mp4
  24. Ridochila Demonstration Session-Pre-requisites installations and setup (2024-04-25 11_11 GMT+2).mp4

D: Communications Channels for Coxygen :

  1. Website : https://coxygen.co, https://github.com/wimsio/coxygen
  2. Emails : admin@coxygen.co, cto@coxygen.co
  3. Whatsapp Group : https://chat.whatsapp.com/I6y3xrRLMRfAIXQPb1IuU3
  4. Telegram Group : https://t.me/+JOi40VWgvMg0MzBk
  5. Twitter : https://t.co/UBdhCaT5An or

This is the place where the catalyst funded proposal Cardano Ecosystem : Smart Contract Languages Live Support(Oxygen), Documentation and Adoption (https://cardano.ideascale.com/c/idea/112227) open source code, files, etc will be shared with the rest of the Cardano Community.

Many thanks go to Cardano, Catalyst, Cardano community members who voted for this project.

By Bernard Sibanda cto@wims.io Women In Move Solutions Pty Ltd