windingwind / zotero-pdf-translate

Translate PDF, EPub, webpage, metadata, annotations, notes to the target language. Support 20+ translate services.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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[Bug] 无法调整翻译字体/弹窗大小 #714

Closed juceyj closed 2 months ago

juceyj commented 2 months ago

Is there an existing issue for this?

Have you checked the FAQ (

Are you using the latest Zotero and the latest plugin?


Describe the bug

感谢开发者一直以来的贡献!我的问题是无法调整翻译字体/弹窗大小,而当前字体太小需要用力去看,导致阅读速度变慢,体验感降低。 更新完最新版本的zotero之后,我重新在设置-翻译-字体大小增大字体从14到16,但是保存后翻译字体大小没有任何变化。重新启动zotero之后仍然没有改善,查看设置-翻译-字体大小为16,而翻译字体大小为14。 然后我又试了另一种方法,在设置-翻译-弹窗:记住大小进行打勾,但是回到PDF界面无法拖动弹窗右下角,因此也不能调整弹窗大小。

Debug Output

(3)(+0005511): HTTP GET succeeded with 200

(3)(+0000000): [ConcurrentCaller] Done with function (0/4 running, 0 queued)

(4)(+0000001): REPLACE INTO version VALUES (?, ?) ['fulltext_1', '20787']

(3)(+0000000): [ConcurrentCaller] All tasks are done

(3)(+0000001): Uploading full-text content for 我的文库

(4)(+0000000): SELECT itemID, indexedChars, totalChars, indexedPages, totalPages FROM fulltextItems FI JOIN items I USING (itemID) WHERE libraryID=? AND FI.synced=? AND I.synced=1 ORDER BY itemID [1, 0]

(3)(+0000000): Done with full-text syncing

(3)(+0000000): Done syncing

(3)(+0000000): Notifier.trigger('finish', 'sync', []) called [observers: 2]

(3)(+0000818): HTTP POST succeeded with 200

(4)(+0000001): Beginning DB transaction 5bKyJBBX

(4)(+0000003): REPLACE INTO version (schema,version) VALUES (?,?) ['repository', 1708108129]

(4)(+0000001): REPLACE INTO version (schema,version) VALUES (?,?) ['lastcheck', 1708108129]

(4)(+0000001): Committed DB transaction 5bKyJBBX

(3)(+0000001): All translators and styles are up-to-date

(3)(+0000001): Initializing DB backup idle observer

(4)(+0000001): Beginning DB transaction iA73tMWb

(4)(+0000001): SELECT COALESCE(IA.parentItemID, itemID) AS itemID FROM items LEFT JOIN itemAnnotations IA USING (itemID) WHERE (itemID NOT IN (SELECT itemID FROM deletedItems UNION SELECT itemID FROM itemNotes WHERE parentItemID IS NOT NULL AND parentItemID IN (SELECT itemID FROM deletedItems) UNION SELECT itemID FROM itemAttachments WHERE parentItemID IS NOT NULL AND parentItemID IN (SELECT itemID FROM deletedItems)UNION SELECT itemID FROM itemAnnotations WHERE parentItemID IN (SELECT itemID FROM deletedItems)UNION SELECT itemID FROM itemAnnotations WHERE parentItemID IN (SELECT itemID FROM itemAttachments WHERE parentItemID IN (SELECT itemID FROM deletedItems)))) AND itemID IN (SELECT itemID FROM items WHERE (libraryID=?)) AND itemID IN (SELECT itemID FROM items WHERE (itemTypeID IN (SELECT itemTypeID FROM itemTypesCombined WHERE typeName=?))) [1, 'note']

(3)(+0000000): Preloading 1412e9e2-51e1-42ec-aa35-e036a895534b for Quick Copy

(3)(+0000000): Getting contents of /Users/xxxxx/Zotero/translators/Note Markdown.js

(3)(+0000001): Preloading 897a81c2-9f60-4bec-ae6b-85a5030b8be5 for Quick Copy

(3)(+0000001): Getting contents of /Users/xxxxx/Zotero/translators/Note HTML.js

(4)(+0000056): Committed DB transaction iA73tMWb

(4)(+0000001): Beginning DB transaction gOENEmJi

(4)(+0000000): SELECT key AS domainPath, value AS format FROM settings WHERE setting='quickCopySite'

(4)(+0000001): CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE tagDelete AS SELECT tagID FROM tags WHERE tagID NOT IN (SELECT tagID FROM itemTags)

(4)(+0000001): CREATE INDEX tagDelete_tagID ON tagDelete(tagID)

(4)(+0000001): SELECT tagID AS id, name FROM tagDelete JOIN tags USING (tagID)

(4)(+0000000): DROP TABLE tagDelete

(4)(+0000001): Committed DB transaction gOENEmJi

(4)(+0000001): Beginning DB transaction hJxexq4X

(4)(+0000000): Committed DB transaction hJxexq4X

(3)(+0000000): Purged data tables in 65 ms

(3)(+0002193): Writing reader state to /Users/xxxxx/Zotero/storage/HBY2TWMQ/.zotero-reader-state

(4)(+0001563): SELECT COUNT(*) FROM settings WHERE setting='mImport' AND key='cleanup'

(3)(+0001179): Scheduling next feed update

(4)(+0000000): SELECT ( CASE WHEN lastCheck IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE strftime('%s', lastCheck) + refreshInterval * 60 - strftime('%s', 'now') END ) AS nextCheck FROM feeds WHERE refreshInterval IS NOT NULL ORDER BY nextCheck ASC LIMIT 1

(3)(+0000003): No feeds with auto-update

(4)(+0000000): SELECT libraryID AS id FROM feeds WHERE refreshInterval IS NOT NULL AND ( lastCheck IS NULL OR (julianday(lastCheck, 'utc') + (refreshInterval/1440.0) - julianday('now', 'utc')) <= 0 )

(3)(+0000001): Running update for feeds:

(3)(+0000000): All feed updates done

(3)(+0000000): Scheduling next feed update

(4)(+0000000): SELECT ( CASE WHEN lastCheck IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE strftime('%s', lastCheck) + refreshInterval * 60 - strftime('%s', 'now') END ) AS nextCheck FROM feeds WHERE refreshInterval IS NOT NULL ORDER BY nextCheck ASC LIMIT 1

(3)(+0000001): No feeds with auto-update

(3)(+0018808): Starting full-text content processor

(4)(+0000000): Registering notifier observer 'fulltext_9q' for [sync]

Anything else?

No response

juceyj commented 2 months ago

多次重启后,新划线得到的翻译可以正常调整字体和弹窗大小,从前的翻译弹窗则保持原样。 问题解决,留此记录。