windingwind / zotero-pdf-translate

Translate PDF, EPub, webpage, metadata, annotations, notes to the target language. Support 20+ translate services.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
6.06k stars 301 forks source link
pdf plugin translate translation zotero zotero-plugin zotero7

Translate for ZoteroTranslate for Zotero

zotero target version Using Zotero Plugin Template

Translate for Zotero, a.k.a. Zotero PDF Translate, is a Zotero plugin.
Translate PDF, EPub, webpage, metadata, annotations, notes to the target language. Support 20+ translate services.


Quick Start Guide


For Zotero 6, install the latest stable version; For Zotero 7, install the latest prerelease version

From local file

From remote link


Once you have the plugin installed simply, open any PDF in your collections.


Q I want to translate manually.
A Go to Edit->Preferences->PDF Translate->General, uncheck the Automatic Translation. Click the translate button on the popup or sidebar to translate.

Q I want a translate shortcut.
A Press shortcut Ctrl+T after you selected some text. If you are in the collection view, the titles' translation will show/hide.

Q I want to concat different seletions and translate them together.
A Press Alt/Option when selecting text in PDF.

Q Not the language I want.
A The default target language is the same as your Zotero language. Go to Edit->Preferences->PDF Translate->General and change the language settings.

Q Translation not correct or report an error.
A See Language Settings and #6. Make sure you use the right secret.

Q I want to change the font size.
A Go to Edit->Preferences->PDF Translate->Advanced and set the font size.




The default engine is Google Translate. Currently, we support: Translate Engine Require Secret Supported Languages
Google Translate No 100+
Google Translate(API) No Use
Youdao Translate No 100+?
NiuTrans Yes 400+
Youdao Zhiyun Yes 100+
Microsoft Translate Yes(free 2M) 200+
LingoCloud(Caiyun) Translate Yes zh, en, ja, es, fr, ru
DeepL Translate Yes(free 500k) 100+
Aliyun Translate Yes(free-1M) 200+
Baidu Translate Yes(free-QPS1/free-2M) 200+
Baidu Field Yes(free-QPS1/free-2M) en-zh
Tencent Translate Yes(QPS5, free-5M) 15
GPT(OpenAI) Yes(free-$18) Based on the gpt-3.5-turbo model
Gemini Yes(free-) Based on the Gemini Pro model

If the engine you want is not yet supported, please post an issue.

Google Google does not require a secret, but you can put your own API URL in the secret to replace the default URL (

Microsoft Translate
Apply here. Copy your secret and paste it into the settings.
The secret format is MY_SECRET.

See this issue for detailed steps to set up the Microsoft Translate.

DeepL Translate
Apply here. The secret format is secretToken or secretToken#glossaryId (if you want to specify some translate glossary).

Youdao Zhiyun Translate 有道智云
Apply here.
The secret format is MY_APPID#MY_SECRET#MY_VOCABID(optional).

登录控制台,选择文本翻译服务,点击右侧的术语表,选择新建,填写表名称和语言方向,添加需要的术语表,然后获取对应词表 id 即可。

Official Document

Apply here.
The secret format is MY_APIKEY#dictNo(optional)#memoryNo(optional).

Chinese Document

Aliyun Translate Apply here. The secret format is accessKeyId#accessKeySecret.

Chinere Document

Baidu Translate
Apply here.
The secret format is MY_APPID#MY_KEY#ACTION(optional, see, default 0)(split with '#').

Baidu Field Translate 百度垂直领域翻译
Apply here.
The secret format is MY_APPID#MY_KEY#DOMAIN_CODE(split with '#').

Domain Code 领域 语言方向
electronics 电子科技领域 中文-->英语
finance 金融财经领域 中文-->英语
finance 金融财经领域 英语-->中文
mechanics 水利机械领域 中文-->英语
medicine 生物医药领域 中文-->英语
medicine 生物医药领域 英语-->中文
novel 网络文学领域 中文-->英语

Chinese Document

Tencent Translate
Apply here.
The secret format is secretId#SecretKey#Region(optional, default ap-shanghai)#ProjectId(optional, default 0)(split with '#').

Chinese Document

OpenL Translate
Apply here.
The secret format is service1,service2,...#apikey(split with '#'; split service codes with ',').

Supported service codes are: deepl,youdao,tencent,aliyun,baidu,caiyun,wechat,sogou,azure,ibm,aws,google, See Service Code

Chinese Document

Apply here.
The secret format is sk-#SecretKey(split with '#').

Chinese Document

User Interface


Development & Contributing

This addon is built based on the Zotero Plugin Template. See the setup and debug details there.

To startup, run

git clone
cd zotero-pdf-translate
npm install
npm run build

The plugin is built to ./build/*.xpi.


Add new translate service

  1. Add service config to src/utils/config.ts > SERVICES;
  2. Add translation task processor under src/modules/services/${serviceId}.ts with the same format with other services. The export function set the translation result to data.result if runs successfully and throw an error if fails;
  3. Import the task processor function in src/modules/services/index.ts.
  4. Add locale string service.${serviceId} in addon/chrome/locale/${lang}/
  5. Build and test.

Extra options for translate service

If the service requires extra options, the minimal implement would be putting them in the secret input in the prefs window, like the existing services does.

If there are complex options, please bind a callback in src/modules/settings/index.ts > secretStatusButtonData which create a highly customizable dialog window with ztoolkit.Dialog. See the example of NiuTrans login here:


Use this code under AGPL. No warranties are provided. Keep the laws of your locality in mind!

My Other Zotero Addons


Thanks peachgirl100 and other anonymous sponsors!

If you want to leave your name here, please email me or leave a message with the donation.
