windnode / WindNODE_ABW

Region Anhalt-Bitterfeld-Wittenberg
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add more results plots to multi-scenario NB (things not done in #64) #180

Closed gplssm closed 3 years ago

gplssm commented 4 years ago


1 Demand and Generation

1.1 Installed Capacities Electricity/Heat

# Größe Einheit Plot/Tabelle Kommentar Prio Done?
1.1.3 Installed Capacity Wind+PV (PV=ground+roof) - dotplot x: wind, y: PV, maybe good to quickly grasp the major tech 3

1.1.1: If el+th is too much in one plot, split into 2 plots.

1.3 Electricity and Heat Demand

2 Area required by RES

2.1 Available areas: Scenarios

Overview / cumulative sums:

# Größe Einheit Plot/Tabelle Kommentar Prio Done? Potential Areas GW, % (2 axes) barplot grouped similar to plot Relative Required Area in single scenario jupy nb but with abs. numbers -> abs. in GW, rel. in % related to legal SQ areas 1 x

More detailed analysis in 2.1.1-2.1.3 .

2.1.1 Available areas: Wind Energy

# Größe Einheit Plot/Tabelle Kommentar Prio Done? Potential Areas Wind - geoplot All avail. areas (geometries) plotted on mun shapes (s1000f0, s1000f1, s500f0, s500f1), geoms are avail. in DF region.pot_areas_wec, please use 'sq' for s1000f0 2 Potential Areas Wind per mun ha barplot grouped: (s1000f0, s1000f1, s500f0, s500f1) per scn in on group x: mun , geoms are avail. in DF region.pot_areas_wec, please use 'sq' for s1000f0 1

2.1.2 Available areas: Ground-Mounted PV

# Größe Einheit Plot/Tabelle Kommentar Prio Done? Potential Areas PV ground: railways ha geoplot All avail. areas (geometries) plotted on mun shapes side by side (H, HS), geoms are avail. in DF region.pot_areas_pv 2 Potential Areas PV ground: motorways ha geoplot All avail. areas (geometries) plotted on mun shapes side by side (H, HS), geoms are avail. in DF region.pot_areas_pv 2 Potential Areas PV ground: agricultural ha geoplot All avail. areas (geometries) plotted on mun shapes side by side (H, HS), geoms are avail. in DF region.pot_areas_pv 2 Potential Areas PV ground: area sums ha barplot grouped (railway, motorway, agri per scn in on group) x: scenarios 1

2.1.3 Available areas: Roof-Mounted PV

# Größe Einheit Plot/Tabelle Kommentar Prio Done? Potential Areas PV roof ha geoplot Area sum Summe Flächen pro Gemeinde 1

2.2 Area usage

# Größe Einheit Plot/Tabelle Kommentar Prio Done?
2.2.1 Rel. Area Usage Wind (cum. for ABW) % barplot grouped For each scenario: rel. usage in relation to land use scenario of scenario, sorted by the 4 land use scenarios (see photo below) 1
2.2.2 Rel. Area Usage Wind (cum. for ABW) % barplot Rel. usage in all scenarios in relation to the total region's area (362900 ha) 1
2.2.3 Rel. Area Usage PV ground (cum. for ABW) % barplot grouped For each scenario: rel. usage in relation to land use scenario of scenario, sorted by the 6 land use scenarios (see photo below) 1
2.2.4 Rel. Area Usage PV ground (cum. for ABW) % barplot Rel. usage in all scenarios in relation to the total region's area (362900 ha) 1
2.2.5 Rel. Area Usage PV roof (cum. for ABW) % barplot Rel. usage in all scenarios 1

Example Wind 2.2.1+2.2.2 (PV ground 2.2.3+2.2.4 analogously): plots1

3 Energy Exchange and Autarky

3.1 Energy Exchange

# Größe Einheit Plot/Tabelle Kommentar Prio Done?
3.1.1 Import and Export (National Grid) GWh barplot grouped x: scenarios, could be merged into 3.2.1? 1
3.1.2 Intra-Regional Import and Export GWh barplot grouped x: scenarios 1

3.2 Autarky

(#85 needs to be done first)

# Größe Einheit Plot/Tabelle Kommentar Prio Done?
3.2.1 Demand+supply GWh, % barplot grouped like plot Electrical Autarky per Municipality (Energy Balance) and total region in single scenario jupy nb but with scenarios instead of muns 1
3.2.2 Autarky: energy + time % barplot grouped time: 2 options: 1) mean of all time step autarky values, 2) perc. of autark hours -> to be specified after #85 1
3.2.3 Autarky: energy violin % violin plot like plot Relative Electrical Autarky per Municipality (Energy Balance) in single scenario jupy nb but with scenarios instead of muns 2

4 Energy Mix

# Größe Einheit Plot/Tabelle Kommentar Prio Done?
4.3 Full-Load Hours Electricity h barplot grouped by tech (wind, pv ground, pv roof, bio, ...) like plot Power Generation and Demand in single scenario jupy nb but with scenarios instead of muns 2

5 Emissions

# Größe Einheit Plot/Tabelle Kommentar Prio Done?
5.2 Emissions relative % barplot stacked by sector (el, th, stor, grid), scaled to 100% x: scenarios 3

6 Costs

# Größe Einheit Plot/Tabelle Kommentar Prio Done?
6.1 LCOE and LCOH €/MWh barplot grouped per scn with el+th x: scenarios 1

7 Power Grid

# Größe Einheit Plot/Tabelle Kommentar Prio Done?
7.1 Line Loading % whisker box plot, like DSM Activation plot in single scenario jupy nb x: scenarios 1

8 Flexibility

It'd be good to have an overview plot on the flex. to quickly see the configuration/character of each scenario. I propose either 8.0.1 or 8.0.2. Alternatively, we could move this to the scenario overview (maybe better).

# Größe Einheit Plot/Tabelle Kommentar Prio Done?
8.0.1 Flex. Character €/MWh PairGrid dot plot (as in 0) showing the flex. character of scenario (RES power, DSM, autarky, pth stor, batteries, eff. el., eff. th.) x: scenarios 2
8.0.2 Flex. Character €/MWh radar chart showing the flex. character of scenario (RES power, DSM, autarky, pth stor, batteries, eff. el., eff. th.), N charts we assign the scenarios to, e.g. BAThigh+BATlimit in one radar and so on x: scenarios 2

8.1 Thermal Storages

# Größe Einheit Plot/Tabelle Kommentar Prio Done?
8.1.1 Storage use - whisker box plot grouped by scn with dec+cen, like DSM Activation plot in single scenario jupy nb x: scenarios 1

8.2 Batteries

# Größe Einheit Plot/Tabelle Kommentar Prio Done?
8.2.1 Storage use - whisker box plot grouped by scn with large+small, like DSM Activation plot in single scenario jupy nb x: scenarios 1

8.3 DSM

# Größe Einheit Plot/Tabelle Kommentar Prio Done?
8.3.1 Total Sum (Ratio DSM / demand hh) % bar plot x: scenarios 1

9 Energy Exchange

As proposed in I integrated this section into 3.

nesnoj commented 3 years ago

Only implement a selection of plots listed above

nesnoj commented 3 years ago

Ok, I went through the first part of the plots and from my point of view these ones should be implemented: (The second part will follow later today)

2 Area required by RES

2.1 Available areas: Scenarios

2.1.1 Available areas: Wind Energy

# Größe Einheit Plot/Tabelle Kommentar Prio Done? Potential Areas Wind - 4 geoplots (2x2) All avail. areas (geometries) plotted on mun shapes (s1000f0, s1000f1, s500f0, s500f1), geoms are avail. in DF region.pot_areas_wec, please use 'sq' for s1000f0 1 x

In the absolute available area per mun should either be displayed by coloring the muns (underneath the area geoms) or as numbers.

2.1.2 Available areas: Ground-Mounted PV

# Größe Einheit Plot/Tabelle Kommentar Prio Done? Potential Areas PV ground - geoplot (2x1) All avail. areas (geometries) plotted on mun shapes (H, HS), types (motorways, railways, agricultural), geoms are avail. in DF region.pot_areas_pv 1 x

2.1.3 Available areas: Roof-Mounted PV

# Größe Einheit Plot/Tabelle Kommentar Prio Done? Potential Areas PV roof ha geoplot Area sum Summe Flächen pro Gemeinde 1 x

3 Energy Exchange and Autarky

3.1 Energy Exchange

Intra-reg. exchange is given in the very first plot, so I propose to drop extra plots.

# Größe Einheit Plot/Tabelle Kommentar Prio Done?
3.1.1 Import and Export (National Grid) GWh barplot x: scenarios 1 x

3.2 Autarky

# Größe Einheit Plot/Tabelle Kommentar Prio Done?
3.2.1 Annual+Autark hours GWh, % barplot grouped like plot Electrical Autarky per Municipality (Energy Balance) and total region in single scenario jupy nb but with scenarios (entire ABW) instead of muns 1 x

4 Energy Mix

5 Emissions

6 Costs

6.1 Costs per Sector and Technology

# Größe Einheit Plot/Tabelle Kommentar Prio Done?
6.1.1 Total abs. el. costs distribution per technology barplot stacked x: scenarios, y: stacked by tech. (wind, gm pv, ...), describe that fix+var+certs are included 1 x
6.1.2 Total abs. th. costs distribution per technology barplot stacked x: scenarios, y: stacked by tech. (oil heating, ...), describe that fix+var+certs are included 1 x

7 Power Grid

Not sure if 7.1 makes sense - it should to be weighted somehow, e.g. with the energy amount? Discuss! :

# Größe Einheit Plot/Tabelle Kommentar Prio Done?
7.1 Max Line Loading Distribution % whisker plot (like in single nb 7.2 Line Loading Distribution) x: scenarios 2 x

8 Flexibility

I think the last 3 plots reflect flex. characteristics to a sufficient extent. @gplssm Which of your 8 experimental flex dot plots do you want to keep? And I propose to move your dot plots to the very end.

nesnoj commented 3 years ago

Ok @nailend @gplssm I'm done with reviewing the plots and pushed some amendments to dev. Also I added some points to be discussed in the new list above and to the template.