windnode / WindNODE_ABW

Region Anhalt-Bitterfeld-Wittenberg
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
3 stars 0 forks source link


Simulation der Region Anhalt-Bitterfeld-Wittenberg im Projekt WindNODE


Further details are provided in the documentation.


Clone and install via pip install -e (a virtualenv is recommended).

Notice: The recent package psycopg2-binary in conflicts with the psycopg2 required by egoio. If the install breaks, use the following temporary workaround:

Install requirements manually in your venv, egoio should be the last. Install it without dependencies by using pip install --no-dependencies egoio.

To run the model, you also need a solver to be installed such as CBC or Gurobi. On Linux, you can install CBC with apt install coinor-cbc. Make sure the solver is set in the run configuration dict in

Trouble shooting

Installation of psutils

During the installtion of windnode_abw, the package psutils might fail. Install the system package python3-dev with

sudo apt install python3-dev

Installation of pygraphviz

During the installtion of windnode_abw, the package pygraphviz might fail. Install additional system packages with

sudo apt install python3-dev graphviz libgraphviz-dev pkg-config

Setup postgres database with docker (optional)

Note You don't have to necessarily use docker to create a Postgres database. Using a native installtion works as well

Inside the repo's root directory (where docker-compose.yml lives) execute

docker-compose up -d --build

Afterwards you can access the database via

Field Value
host localhost
port 54321
Maintance DB windnode_abw
User windnode
Password windnode

Import scenario data

Scenario data is contained in the database dump which can be downloaded from Zenodo. Do the following steps to import the scenario data to your database

  1. Download the above scenario data file
  2. Import tables, data, and constraints by
    pg_restore -U windnode -d windnode_abw -h localhost -p 54321 -W --no-owner --no-privileges --no-tablespace -1  </path/to/windnode_db_200817.backup>

    To overwrite existing tables, you may use the --clean argument.

Setup database connection config file

When you try to run windnode_abw/, it will search for the file $HOME/.egoio/config.ini. More specifically, in the file config.ini it searches for a section [windnode_abw]. It won't be found whe you run it for the first time. Subsequently, a command-line dialog opens that asks you for database connection details.

When you use a local database, the section in the config looks like

dialect = psycopg2
username = windnode
host = localhost
port = 54321
database = windnode_abw

Run model with status quo scenario

Execute python windnode_abw/