windshg / VPImageCropper

Image cropper like the one in WeChat
Apache License 2.0
584 stars 129 forks source link



It's incredibly easy to use this kit. Before present the cropper view controller, you should implement the protocol VPImageCropperDelegate:

// callback when cropping finished
- (void)imageCropper:(VPImageCropperViewController *)cropperViewController didFinished:(UIImage *)editedImage;

// callback when cropping cancelled
- (void)imageCropperDidCancel:(VPImageCropperViewController *)cropperViewController;

Now it's time to present the image cropper view controller and do some cropping.

// present the cropper view controller
VPImageCropperViewController *imgCropperVC = [[VPImageCropperViewController alloc] initWithImage:portraitImg cropFrame:CGRectMake(0, 100.0f, self.view.frame.size.width, self.view.frame.size.width) limitScaleRatio:3.0];
imgCropperVC.delegate = self;
[self presentViewController:imgCropperVC animated:YES completion:^{
        // TO DO


As negligible as it is, I am glad this work could be used in some of the products in our company which is the best part. Anyway, if you are interested enough to have a test. Please refer to the VPImageCropperDemo Project and enjoy the beauty of coding.