wingsofovnia / seba-webappeng-team24

Feedback on employees gathering platform
MIT License
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academic-project angular express mongodb nodejs is a platform for gathering feedback on employees to help companies to assess personnel competencies and proficiency with employees self-review processes that encourage their engagement in personal development.

This is developed during the Web Application Engineering Master Course at TUM that provides the necessary theoretical foundations to design and develop state-of-the art web applications. Next to the technical aspects to develop applications for the web, business aspects are covered with the most common business models and explained with real-world examples.


Learn how to design web sites from the scratch including patterns for recurring problems. Technical aspects for the development of web applications are presented along with generic platforms and architectures.

Getting Started

The app itself consists of two independent parts: backend (API) server and frontend.


The app is based on MEAN stack and is tested on NodeJS 7 but should work on NodeJS 5+. It also uses Docker for deployement.

Docker Development Environment

To setup developer environment you can use ./ script that will setup containers needed including the mongodb instance seeded with test domain data. It mounts volumes binded to your local machine so that you can edit code locally and see all changes directly without reloading the container, therefore npm install is required prior using the script.

Use employee:employee and manager:manager users to play with a dashboard and features.

Warning! No JWT Auth mode that bypasses pasportjs is not supported and must be used only for testing purposes. Some endpoints require user id and fetch it from req params that are issued by passportjs, therefore they wont work in this mode.


You may also want to start backend directly via npm scripts:

# Install dependencies
npm install

# Run Mongodb
mongod --db-path <path-to-db-folder>

# Start development live-reload server
npm run dev

# Start development live-reload server with unprotected resources 
npm run dev dev-unprotected
(eq. npm run dev -- --auth_enabled=false)

# Start production server:
npm run deploy

# Start production server on HOST:PORT
npm run deploy -- --server_port=8000

Backend config loading priority: 1) Cli arguments (--param=val) 2) Environment variables 3) Default values defined in ./config.js


To run frontend with npm use these cmds:

# Install dependencies
npm install

# Build assest
npm run build 

# Watch the assets
npm run watch 

# Start server:
npm run start

# Start dev server:
npm run start-dev

Backend REST API

Request URL & Method Req Payload Res Code Response Body
POST /api/register { "type": enum(MANAGER,EMPLOYEE), "name": string, "username": string!, "email": string!, "password": string, "position": string? } 200 Registers new User
GET /api/login?username={:usrname}&password={:psw} { "username": string, "password": string} 200/404 JWT token
GET /api/customer?domain={:domain} -/- 200 List of Customer entities filtered by :domain (optional)
POST /api/customers {"name": string, "domain": string} 200 Created Customer entity
PUT /api/customers/{:id} {"name": string, "domain": string} 200/404 Updated Customer entity
GET /api/customers/{:id} -/- 200/404 Customer entity with id == :id
DELETE /api/customers/{:id} -/- 202/404 -/-
GET /api/customers/{:id}/subscriptions -/- 200/404 List of all Customer's subscriptions
POST /api/customers/{:id}/subscriptions {"paymentMethod": string?, "planId": objectId} 200/404 Created Subscription entity
DELETE /api/customers/{:id}/subscriptions/{:subscr_id} -/- 202/404 -/-
GET /api/feedbacks/competencies/average?username={:username}&userGroupname={:userGroupname} -/- 200/400 Calculates an competency matrix
GET /api/feedbacks/requests?addresser={:username}&username={:username}&userGroupname={:userGroupname} -/- 200 List of Feedback Requests entities (opt filter by requester/requestees)
GET /api/feedbacks/requests/{:id} -/- 200/404 Feedback request entity with id == :id
POST /api/feedbacks/requests { "adresser": string(username), "username": string(requestee)?, "userGroupname": string(requestee)?} 200 Created Feedback Request entity
DELETE /api/feedbacks/requests/{:id} -/- 202/204 -/-
GET /api/feedbacks/mine/inbound -/- 200/401 List of Feedback left by this authorized user on other employees
GET /api/feedbacks/mine/outbound -/- 200/401 List of Feedback left by other employees on this authorized user
GET /api/feedbacks -/- 200 List of Feedback entities
GET /api/feedbacks/{:id} -/- 200/404 Feedback entity with id == :id
POST /api/feedbacks { "formId": objectId, "summary": string, "competencies": [ { "characteristicId": objectId, "grade": number(0,10) } ] } 200 Created Feedback entity
DELETE /api/feedbacks/{:id} -/- 202/204 -/-
GET /api/forms -/- 200 List of Forms entities
GET /api/forms?userGroupname={:usrGroupname} -/- 200 List of Forms entities assigned to user group with :userGroupname
GET /api/forms/{:id} -/- 200/404 Form entity with id == :id
POST /api/forms { "name": string, "userGroupname": string, "description": string?, "matrixId": objectId } 200 Created Form entity
DELETE /api/forms/{:id} -/- 202/204 -/-
GET /api/matrices -/- 200 List of Matrices entities
GET /api/matrices/{:id} -/- 200/404 Matrix entity with id == :id
POST /api/matrices { "name": string, "characteristics": [ { "name": string, "description": string } ] } 200 Created Matrix entity
DELETE /api/matrices/{:id} -/- 202/204 -/-
GET /api/plans -/- 200 List of Plans entities
GET /api/plans/{:id} -/- 200/404 Plan entity with id == :id
POST /api/plans { "name": string, "price": number, "feedbackLimit": number, "userLimit": number, "advancedSupport": boolean } 200 Created Plan entity
PUT /api/plans/{:id} { "name": string?, "price": number?, "feedbackLimit": number?, "userLimit": number?, "advancedSupport": boolean? } 200/404 Updated Plan entity
DELETE /api/plans/{:id} -/- 202/204 -/-
GET /api/reports -/- 200 List of Reports entities
GET /api/reports/{:id} -/- 200/404 Report entity with id == :id
POST /api/reports { "username": string?, userGroupname: string?, "document": string } 200 Created Report entity
DELETE /api/reports/{:id} -/- 202/204 -/-
GET /api/reports -/- 200 List of Reports entities
GET /api/reports/{:id} -/- 200/404 Report entity with id == :id
POST /api/reports { "username": string?, userGroupname: string?, "document": string } 200 Created Report entity
DELETE /api/reports/{:id} -/- 202/204 -/-
GET /api/users?notme={true false}&search={name} -/- 200 List of Users entities
GET /api/users/{:username} -/- 200/404 User entity with username == :username
GET /api/users/{:username}/usergroups -/- 200/404 List UserGroups the user with given username is a member of
GET /api/users/{:username}/closest -/- 200/404 List users of UserGroups the user with given username is a member of
PUT /api/users/{:username} { "type": enum(MANAGER,EMPLOYEE)?, "name": string?, "username": string?, "email": string?, "password": string?, "position": string? } 200/404 Updated User entity
DELETE /api/users/{:id} -/- 202/204 -/-
GET /api/usergroups -/- 200 List of UserGroup entities
GET /api/usergroups/{:id} -/- 200/404 UserGroup entity with id == :id
GET /api/usergroups/{:id}/members -/- 200/404 List of Users of UserGroup with given :id
PUT /api/usergroups/{:id}/members/{:usrname} -/- 200/404 Adds a User with username === :usrname to UserGroup with given :id
DELETE /api/usergroups/{:id}/members/{:usrname} -/- 200/404 Removes a User with username === :usrname from UserGroup with given :id
POST /api/usergroups { "userGroupname": string!, "description": string?, "usernames": [string!]? } 200 Created UserGroup entity
PUT /api/usergroups/{:id} { "userGroupname": string?, "description": string?, "usernames": [string!]? } 200/404 Updated UserGroup entity
DELETE /api/usergroups/{:id} -/- 202/204 -/-

Postman examples are available here (auth dropped).



Backend is based on Express & ES6 REST API Boilerplate.


Except where noted, software in this repository is licensed under the terms of the MIT License.