winstonll / arima-old
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How do I get set up?


How do I use livereload?

  1. In one terminal window do: bundle exec guard
  2. In a second terminal window do: rails server

Why do we want this? Because this gives an added benefit of watching the changes in the css, js and html(erb) files. If any of these file are modified and saved livereload will automatically refresh the browser and you can see the changes. Now thats cool!


  1. Getting error message "Could not find guard-livereload-2.2.0 in any of the sources" solution: Please do bundle install

2.LiveReload isn't working? solution: Check if port 35729 is free. If the port is not free it follow the steps below before doing bundle exec guard again.

For MAC:

  1. To check if port is free do : lsof -i :35729
  2. To kill PID do: kill -9 Visit the website live at