winstonyym / urbanity

A network-based python package to understand and model urban complexity
MIT License
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Urbanity Basic Functionality Failed #11

Open todai-sharma opened 4 days ago

todai-sharma commented 4 days ago
image image

I am not sure why but Urbanity Basic Functionality is not working as of today. Do let me know how I can fix it in case I am doing something wrong?

winstonyym commented 4 days ago

Hi @todai-sharma. Thank you for trying out our package. You can get to the street network function by first creating a map object. In your example, referring to the map as m2 and using "Singapore" as example:

import urbanity as urb
m2 = urb.Map(country='Singapore', zoom=12)
network, nodes, edges = m2.get_street_network(location = 'Singapore')

This will return the network object and dataframes.

winstonyym commented 4 days ago

For more detailed example, you can refer to our Colab notebook: