winstonyym / urbanity

A network-based python package to understand and model urban complexity
MIT License
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Method 1 of create base map section on basic-functionality notebook is not working. #8

Open Ultios opened 8 months ago

Ultios commented 8 months ago

OS : Windows 10 education

Description: Running step-by-step of creating a base map by drawing does not produce desired output (a polygon). Subsequent running will results in kernel crash.

After adding boundary box of m1, i tried to print the polygon output after drawing by using 'print(m.polygon_bounds)'. It results in the kernel getting stuck for 5 minutes before i interrup the process.

Subsequent restart of kernel and re importing urbanity results in warning of dependepency conflict between geopandas and pygeo.

Will try to reproduce error later in my mac to see if it's OS problem or not.

Ultios commented 8 months ago

dependency conflict warning happens when importing is

UserWarning: The Shapely GEOS version (3.10.0-CAPI-1.16.0) is incompatible with the GEOS version PyGEOS was compiled with (3.10.4-CAPI-1.16.2). Conversions between both will be slow. warnings.warn(

it happens even when there is no error mentioned above.

winstonyym commented 8 months ago

@Ultios thank you for raising this issue. I am also aware of this and have fixed it in the latest version of Urbanity (will push it soon after I am done with the development of other features). It basically arises from the order in which certain packages are imported. At the moment, it should not affect the functionality.