winterbird-code / adbb

Object Oriented UDP Client Library for AniDB
GNU General Public License v3.0
17 stars 4 forks source link
anidb anidb-mylist anime jellyfin-metadata-provider scraper


Object Oriented UDP Client for AniDB, originally forked from adba.

I created this mainly to be able to add new files to my "mylist" on anidb when I add them to my local collection. As I tend to rip my own files and have no intention of spreading them to a wide audience, I needed to add these as "generic" files to anidb. And manual work is always less fun then automating said work...

As the anidb UDP API enforces a very slow rate of requests, this implementation caches all information requested from anidb and uses the cache whenever possible. The cache is stored in mysql (or any other sqlalchemy-compatible database). For how long does it cache? It depends! Shortest caching period is one day, after that some not very inteligent algorithm will add some probability score which is used to decide if the cache should be updated or not. It's untuned and will probably be difficult to get right for all use cases... I'm listening to any ideas about how to make this better.

Also, you can always force an update of the cache by using the objects update() method.

The Anime title search is implemented using the animetitles.xml file hosted at anidb. It is automatically downloaded and stored localy (for now hardcoded to /var/tmp/adbb/animetitles.xml.gz). This animetitles file is also cached for 7 days (using mtime to calculate age) and then is automatically updated. You can of course "update" it manually by removing the cached file.

Since version 1 adbb also supports tvdb/tmdb/imdb-mapping via Anime-Lists.



import adbb



# initialize backend
adbb.init(user, pwd, sql, debug=True)

# anime object can be created either with a name or anime ID
anime = adbb.Anime("Kemono no Souja Erin")
#anime = adbb.Anime(6187)

# this will print "Kemono no Souja Erin has 50 episodes and is a TV Series"
print("{} has {} episodes and is a {}".format(anime.title, anime.nr_of_episodes, anime.type))

# Episode object can be created either using anime+episode number or the anidb eid
# anime can be either aid, title or Anime object
episode = adbb.Episode(anime=anime, epno=5)
#episode = adbb.Episode(eid=96461)

# this will print "'Kemono no Souja Erin' episode 5 has title 'Erin and the Egg Thieves'"
print("'{}' episode {} has title '{}'".format(episode.anime.title, episode.episode_number, episode.title_eng))

# file can either be created with a local file, an anidb file id (fid) or 
# using Anime and Episode
file = File(path="/media/Anime/Series/Kemono no Souja Erin/[winterbird] Kemono no Souja Erin - 05 [8EEAA040].mkv")
#file = File(fid=<some-fid>)
#file = File(anime=anime, episode=episode)

# note that most of the time this will work even if we use a file that is not in the anidb database
# will print "'<path>' contains episode 5 of 'Kemono no Souja Erin'. Mylist state is 'on hdd'"
print("'{}' contains episode {} of '{}'. Mylist state is '{}'".format(file.path, file.episode.episode_number, file.anime.title, file.mylist_state))

# adbb supports fetching posters. download_image() supports Anime and Group objects
# (afaik, there are no other images to get from anidb)
# For other images, check the fanart section below.
with open('poster.jpg', 'wb') as f:
    adbb.download_image(f, anime)

# To log out from UDP api, make sure to run adbb.close() before exit


Anime object


'init' can be either a title or aid. Titles are searched in the animetitles.xml file using fuzzy text matching (implemented using difflib). Only a single Anime is created, using the best title match. Note that some titles are ambigious. A search for 'Ranma', for example, can return either the series 'Ranma 1/2' (which has "Ranma" as a synonym) or 'Ranma 1/2 Nettou Hen' which has "Ranma" as an official title).


The following attributes as returned from the AniDB API


Episode(anime=None, epno=None, eid=None)

Episode object can be created by specifying both anime and epno, or using just eid. anime can be either a title, aid or an Anime object. epno should be either a string or int representing the episode number. eid should be an int.


The following attributes as returned from the AniDB API


File(path=None, fid=None, anime=None, episode=None)

File object requires either path, fid, or anime and episode to be set. When setting anime and episode this file will either be a generic file, or the file you have in your mylist for this anime and episode. fid is obviously the AniDB file ID. Path is the fun one.

When a path is specified the library will first check the size and ed2k-hash to the AniDB database. If the file exists there this will obviously represent that file. If the file doesn't exist in the AniDB databse the library will try to figure out which anime and episode this file represents. The episode number is guessed from the filename by using some regex. If no episode number is found, adbb will check if the Anime only has a single episode; and if that is the case it will assume that the file has episode number '1'. The Anime title is guessed from the parent directory if there is a good-enough match in the animetitles- file, otherwise it's guessed from the filename. For details, check _guess_anime_ep_from_file() and _guess_epno_from_filename() in the File class in, and get_titles() in


The File object has some functions for managing the file in mylist.

update_mylist(state=None, watched=None, source=None, other=None)

The update_mylist() function can be used both to add and to edit a file in mylist. state can be one of 'unknown', 'on hdd', 'on cd' or 'deleted'. watched can be either True, False or an datetime object describing when it was watched.


The following attributes as returned from the AniDB API


Group(name=None, gid=None)

Group object requires either a name (can be either short or long name) or gid. A group created with a name is always considered valid, and will be saved to the database even if the name does not represent a group in AniDB. In that case both the name and the short name will be set to the given name, and all other atributes will be empty.


The following attributes as returned from the AniDB API


The Anime object contains an attribute called fanart that can be used to fetch available fanart for that series/movie from if two conditions are met:

The fanart attribute just returns a list of metadata from the api; but the adbb.download_fanart()-method can be used to download the actual fanart. This example downloads the first background fanart the api returned. The attribute is directly translated from the json API, so for structure description you should check the API reference. Note that it differs slightly between series and movies.

import adbb


adbb.init('sqlite:///.adbb.db', netrc_file='.netrc', fanart_api_key=api_key)

anime = adbb.Anime("Kemono no Souja Erin")

fanart = anime.fanart
background_url = fanart[0]["showbackground"][0]["url"]
with open("background.jpg", "wb") as f:
    # The "preview" keyword-argument is False by default, but can be
    # set to "true" to download a low-resolution preview image
    adbb.download_fanart(f, background_url, preview=False)



Although you can provide usernames and passwords directly to the init() call it can be useful to have them stored elsewhere. init() supports the netrc_file keyword argument to fetch authentication information from a .netrc-file. The library checks the .netrc-file for the following credentials:

        username winterbird
        password supersecretpassword
        account supersecretencryptionkey
machine sql.localdomain
        username adbb
        password supersecretpassword
        account supersecretapikey


As per the UDP API specification encrypted network traffic is not enabled by default but must be manually activated by the user. In the case of adbb, you activate encryption by providing your encryption key when initializeing the library. Either with the api_key-keyword argument to init() or by using a .netrc.

You specify the encryption key yourself in your AniDB Profile. It's way past 1990, you really shouldn't send usernames and password unencrypted over the internet.


The library contains two command line utilities for mylist management. These are purely implemented after personal need, but is probably useful for other people as well. The source code could also be consulted for inspiration to make other tools. For usage, run the command with --help.


Tool to manage the cache database. At the moment it can only clean the database of unwanted/uneeded stuff, but perhaps importing data to the cache could be supported at some point.. run adbb_cache --help and adbb_cache <subcommand> --help for usage. The most useful subcommands ar probably old to remove stuff that hasn't been touched in a while (90 days by default), and file which can be used to remove files from the database as well as (with the proper flags) from filesystem and mylist. This tool does not use the UDP API, except if it's asked to remove files from mylist.


Tool to identify episode files and move/rename them for easy identification by for media centers. You should probably run it with --dry-run first to make sure it behaves as expected.


Glueware for AniDB<->jellyfin integration. Requires jellyfin-apiclient-python. For more information, and usage, for this tool, see


Object API

I'll do my best to keep the API stable, so if you just use the Objects the code should continue to work with new releases.


You should recreate the databse after every release. I haven't figure out how to make sane database migrations on schema changes, so for now you should repopulate the cache when upgrading (just remove the sqlite databasefile or drop and recreate the postgres/mysql database).


I'll be restrictive about behavioural changes, and try to document them when they occur, but no promises as of now.


In no particular order: