wintercounter / Protip

A new generation jQuery Tooltip plugin
MIT License
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jquery jquery-plugin protip tooltip

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Features in Brief


At the company I working for we use many tooltips for several purposes. Especially our admin area/control panel side has heavy tooltip usage. There were several unusual requests which always required to develop new features into our existing plugin. Now I've created Protip, a new generation of tooltips. It's not so lightweight but it doesn't intends to be. We needed a solution which can fit into every scenario we face with.


The simple way

Include the protip.min.css file in your <head> tag:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="">

Include the protip.min.js file before your closing </body> tag (but after jQuery is included):

<script src=""></script>

Get files using npm

npm install protip --save

Get files using bower

bower install protip

Initialize plugin

To initialize the plugin just insert $.protip(); in your $(document).ready(); section in case you already have. If you don't then create one:


You may pass a configuration object here also: $.protip([configObject]);



You may need some global configurations on the behaviors of your tooltips. You can pass some configuration options at initialization as an object.

// Available options with default values
    /** @type String    Selector for protips */
    selector:           C.DEFAULT_SELECTOR,
    /** @type String    Namespace of the data attributes */
    namespace:          C.DEFAULT_NAMESPACE,
    /** @type String    Template of protip element */
    protipTemplate:     C.TEMPLATE_PROTIP,
    /** @type String    Template of the arrow element */
    arrowTemplate:      C.TEMPLATE_ARROW,
    /** @type String    Template of protip icon */
    iconTemplate:       C.TEMPLATE_ICON,
    /** @type Boolean   Should we observe whole document for assertions and removals */
    observer:           true,
    /** @type Number    Default time for onResize event timeout. */
    delayResize:        100,
    /** @type Object    Default data-pt-* values for a tooltip */
    defaults:           {...}
Property Default Details
selector .protip We will use this selector to identify elements with protip.
namespace pt data-[NAMESPACE]-*
protipTemplate See code Template of a protip. Variables ({}) will get replaced.
arrowTemplate See code Template of a protip arrow.
iconTemplate See code Template of a protip with icon.
observer true If true, we will watch for changes in the DOM and check if a protip needs to be showed or removed.
delayResize 100 Default time for onResize event timeout. After a resize, we need to reposition the tooltips, but don't want to run on every fired resize event.
defaults {...} Default (global) values for a tooltip. Override any available data-pt-* attributes.

Attach tooltips to elements

Tooltips are controlled over data attributes. Seriously, you can control every aspect of your tooltip from the markup, no additional JavaScript code is required.

<a href="#bar" class="protip" data-pt-title="You must be at least 18!">
    Go to the bar!

What I did here was that added a protip class to my element, then defined a tooltip text in the in the data-pt-title attribute. Protip related attributes will always get a pt namespace so Protip won't conflict with your existing data attributes.

Available attributes [data-pt-*]

Attribute Default Type Details
trigger 'hover' String How you want to trigger this tooltip? Available values: hover, click, click2, sticky (sticky will be shown on load; click2 won't listen to body clicks)
title null String The tooltip content text. Alternatively you may provide a selector (ID or class) starting with # or . to get data (even whole HTML) from another DOM element's content. Example: <div id="tooltipContent"><em>This is my tooltips content</em></div>. Also you may use :next, :prev or :this which allows you to get the content of the next, prev or this element immediatelly.
delay-in 0 Number Delay of showing a tooltip. Handy in cases when you want to prevent tooltips on quick mouseovers.
delay-out 0 Number Delay of hiding the tooltip. Handy in cases you have clickable content in the tooltip for example.
interactive false Bool If true, protip will use a default 250ms as delayOut for clickable contents.
gravity true Bool, String Gravity will check your tooltip before showing it and it will search for better positions if the tooltip won't fit to viewport. Gravity has multiple options available, there is a separate section in the documentation about gravity.
offset-top 0 Int Adjust the Y position of the tooltip.
offset-left 0 Int Adjust the X position of the tooltip.
position 'bottom' String Preferred position. Check Positions section for available options and details.
placement 'outside' String Placement of the tooltip inside the element. Available values are: outside, inside, border and center.
classes null String These classes will be added to the tooltip which may enable additional styling for example.
arrow true Bool Hide arrow from this tooltip. At initialization there is an option to set the size of the arrow. Protip will calculate this into positions.
width 300 Int, String This is the default max-width for the tooltip. If you need fixed width, write as this: 300!
icon false Bool, String Adds icon template to the tooltip markup with the specified icon class.
observer false Bool If true, we will attach an observer to the source element and watch for changes. For example if you change the data-pt-title attribute, the tooltip title will be changed also.
target 'body' Bool, String We will append the tooltip to this selector. Use true if you want to append into the source element.
skin 'default' Bool, String Skin to apply only to this tooltip. (Currently available: default, square)
size 'normal' String tiny, small, normal, big, large
scheme 'pro' String Color scheme to use. See the scheme list
animate undefined Bool, String Animation type based on Animate.css. See Animations
auto-hide false Bool, Number Tooltip will hide itself automatically after this timeout (milliseconds).
auto-show false Bool Automatically show tooltip for this element on load (stickies will be shown anyway).
mixin undefined String Tooltip mixins to use. Separated by spaces.

jQuery Helpers

var el = $('.el');

// Set tooltip to the element.

// Show the tooltip of this element. Same as set, but it will also show.

// Hide the tooltip of this element.

// Toggle the tooltip of this element.

// Hide all tooltips inside of this element.

// Show all tooltips inside of this element.

// Toggle all tooltips inside of this element.

// Custom show event
el.on('protipshow', function(ItemInstance){});

// Custom hide event
el.on('protiphide', function(ItemInstance){});

// Custom ready event
// Note that ready will fires after 10ms after it's actually ready.
// This helps your scripts to catch up.
el.on('protipready', function(ItemInstance){});

// Use console.log(ItemInstance) in the callback to check what options you have.


<div class="my-el protip" data-pt-title="My element"></div>
var el = $('.my-el');

// Shows tooltip with title: "My element"

// Shows tooltip with title: "My new title"
    title: 'My new title'

// Changed trigger from hover to click
    trigger: 'click'

// Changed trigger from hover to click and also show it
    trigger: 'click'


List of available positions

Available Protip positions



It will enable/disable the gravity option. In case it's true, protip is going to try all positions.

The 3 level of positions

Level 1 top, right, bottom, left Level 2 All other except corners Level 3 Even corners

You may define a level number. Set to 1 in case you want to you gravity only in the most common positions. 2 will trigger both 1 and 2. 3 will trigger all of them.

Fully manual control

Sometimes you may need to have certain tooltips to have only 3 or 5 number of positions with custom offsets in all positions. There is a custom markup for this purpose:

Use only 2 position. data-pt-gravity="top-right; bottom-left"

Use only 2 position. With custom offset. (X, Y) data-pt-gravity="top-right 10; bottom-left -10 30"

Prioritize these position, then the others may come... data-pt-gravity="top-right; bottom-left; ..."

Mix as you want :)


The placement attribute allows you to change the positioning behavior of the tooltip.

Please note that you will probably want to disable arrows for other placements than outside.


Protip has built-in support for Animate.css ( You simply need to use the same name found on the linked website.


<div class="protip" data-pt-animate="bounceIn"></div>

Protip's CSS doesn't include Animate.css. Download from here: //


Skins are a little bit difficult at the moment and I'm looking forward to implement a much cleaner way. Anyway the markup won't change too drastic so the currently made skins should work in the future as well. Please check Protip's SCSS files for more details. There are configurable maps, so you can easily add your own styles (schemes and sizes also).

List of available schemes

Good to know stuff

.protip-target class

In case there is no data-pt-title specified, Protip will try to search a .protip-target class in the parents. If it founds, the tooltip will be appended there else it will append right into the body (if nothing else is specified). This is useful for example when using tooltips in overlays. Add protip-target class to your overlay container element which will solve z-index issues and tooltip removals when closing the overlay.

.protip-open class

While a tooltip is opened, Protip will add protip-open class to your element to enable you to add custom styles for example.

.protip-close class

In case you need an element to close your tooltip (inside your tooltip, like an X or something), just add an element with the class of protip-close which will trigger close on clicking it.

Auto-interactive link detection

Protip will try to detect if your tooltip contains a link (by searching for a tags in it). If it does founds one, your tooltip will automatically become interactive so your users will be able to click the link inside the tooltip instead of closing it.

Why offset(top/left) is not working?

The data-pt-offset-(left/top) attributes are only have effect on the default position tooltip. If it gets re-positioned by Gravity it won't be added to the calculations. In case you need to position re-positioned tooltips, specify it in the data-pt-gravity tag using it's own syntax.

data-pt-gravity="top 0 -15; bottom 0 15"

Command Buffer

You are allowed to call jQuery helpers (like protipShow/protipHide) before initialization of protip. This solves the problem with JavaScript file orders and calls before Protip is initialized, your commands will run after everything is done.

MutationObserver (IE8-10 Support)

Internet Explorer supports Mutation Observers only from version 11. In case you need IE8-10 support you need to include a Mutation Observer Polyfill. Simply include this script before Protip is loaded

Contribution, bugs, feature requests and suggestions

Contributions are always welcome. Just fork the repository, commit your changes and create a Pull Request.

For bugs, requests, suggestions, etc. please use the GitHub issue tracker at the Protip repository.

