wiredopposite / OGX-Wireless-Lite

Bluetooth LE gamepad adapter for multiple game consoles.
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Firmware for the ESP32-S3 that allows you to use your Bluetooth LE gamepads on several different game consoles.

Supported platforms

Supported gamepads

Note: If you're having issues pairing your Xbox controller, make sure you update it to the latest firmware with the Xbox Accessories app in Windows.

Changing input mode

By default the input mode is set to OG Xbox, you must hold a button combo for 3 seconds to change which platform you want to play on. Your chosen input mode will persist after powering off the device.


Start + Dpad Up

Original Xbox

Start + Dpad Right


Start + Dpad Down

PlayStation 3

Start + Dpad Left

PlayStation Classic

Start + A

After a new mode is stored, the device will reset itself so you don't need to unplug it.

Hardware and flashing your firmware

You can use either the official ESP32-S3 DevKit C, DevKit M, or the USB C clone that's widely available.

Use must use the USB port marked "USB" to plug it into your console. Either port can be used to program the board, just plug it in while holding the "BOOT" button to flash your firmware.

You can flash it via USB with this web app by Adafruit: https://adafruit.github.io/Adafruit_WebSerial_ESPTool/

These are the offsets for each .bin file

Web app

Use this web app to change button mappings, deadzone values, and joystick inversion: https://wiredopposite.github.io/OGX-Wireless-WebApp/

The repo/source for the app can be found here: https://github.com/wiredopposite/OGX-Wireless-WebApp

You can store up to 8 different profiles. The device will require a reboot for new settings to take effect and the last profile saved will be the one that's active.