wisdomlabs-si / plusplusone

MIT License
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++.1 repository is home to the prototype of our graph designing application. The goal of the application is to be a general and comprehensive tool for exploring and transforming datasets, building applications, dashboards, and even developing ML models all by simply creating and editing graph models.

The idea behind Graph Designer is to use graph models to describe everything from meta models, code, dashboards to applications, making them understandable for both humans and machines.

To start using Graph Designer, simply follow the instructions below:

By following these steps, you'll be able to build the necessary jars, docker images, and run the application on your local machine. You'll also be able to import data sets and schemas to explore different demos.



Make File

You can start your project with the makefile that we created for you.

To use it run

make build-all   

This will build all the docker images for you and start docker containers.

NOTE: If You use this approach, pleas skipp all steps till Import data into Neo4J!

Alternatively you could build one image after another with below steps:

If you get kenstack-maven-plugin error

In a case when you get kenstack-maven-plugin error and the docker container can't be build:

mvn org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-install-plugin:2.5.2:install-file -Dfile=designer-neo4j-backend/maven-plugin/kenstack-cypher-maven-plugin-0.0.33.jar -DgroupId=ken -DartifactId=kenstack-cypher-maven-plugin -Dversion=0.0.33 -Dpackaging=jar  -DgeneratePom=true  -DlocalRepositoryPath=designer-neo4j-backend/local-maven-repo`

This will build local maven plugin again.

After that, repeat

make build-all   

Designer Neo4j backend:

mvn -f designer-neo4j-backend/pom.xml clean package
docker build -t designer-neo4j -f designer-neo4j-backend/docker/neo4j/Dockerfile ./designer-neo4j-backend

Designer Quarkus proxy

mvn -f designer-quarkus-proxy/pom.xml clean package
mvn -f designer-quarkus-proxy/pom.xml clean package -Dquarkus.container-image.build=true -Dquarkus.container-image.name=designer-proxy -Dquarkus.container-image.tag=latest -Dquarkus.container-image.group=

Designer React frontend

npm i --prefix ./designer-react-frontend
npm run --prefix ./designer-react-frontend build
docker build -t designer-frontend -f designer-react-frontend/Dockerfile ./designer-react-frontend

Setup & demos


When you have built all the required images, move to docker directory and first reset the volume by running.


You can then run docker-compose with:

docker-compose up -d

(if you wish to attach to the docker logs run: docker-compose logs -f).

After the containers have successfully, we must now import the metadata into the Neo4j database to make the designer functional. Access Neo4j browser on http://localhost:7474 Username: neo4j Password: pass

Import data into Neo4j by running

CALL apoc.cypher.runFile('file:///main/bios/initBios.cypher')

After the scripts have loaded, you can access the graph designer application on http://localhost:3000. You now have a graph designer with the basic functionalities to build other projects, if you wish to import some demo projects read the following section.


Specific demonstrations for the Graph designer are located in the demos directory because the directory is then mounted inside the Neo4j docker container. The structure of demos must follow a certain convention to make deployment easier.

Each demo contains a separate directory under demos (for example demo movies is located under demos/movies).

Cypher files that contain meta structures (metagraph, functions, views ...) can be prepended with metagraph_, graphlet_, function_, job_, functionality_, style_, view_ or project_ to make use of the custom.designer.import.importFromDirectory procedure that executes cypher files in the correct order.

Instructions on how to import data sets and schemas should be provided for each demo. For example on how to load the Northwind demo into designer, one would run the following cypher in Neo4j browser:

CALL custom.designer.import.importFromDirectory("demos/northwind");
CALL apoc.cypher.runSchemaFile("demos/northwind/northwind_schema.cypher");
CALL apoc.cypher.runFile("demos/northwind/northwind_dataset.cypher");

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