wise-crab / Documentacion

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Welcome to Examedic


What does ExaMedic do?

The Laboratory (bacteriologist) wants a proper channel where can have a straight flow of information among him and the Doctor with the patient supervision. Due to the fact that the laboratory is aware that the patient wants to have a track report of the process, the laboratory developed Examedic in order to satisfy its clients informing on real-time about when his result of exam is available and a proper track of their information.

There are three roles playing in this project: • Admin • Doctor • Bacteriologist • Patient

Functionality Statements

Description of the project at the functional level (requirements):

This application has different types of user and role-based and it will take actions that will be reflected and directly linked to the rest of user's role's workflow.

The specific functions vary depending upon the user's role:


User Interface screens


mobile < 479px


480px < Mobile < 767px


768 < Tablets < 1023px


1024 < Laptops < 1364px


1365px < Desktops


What are posible failure conditions and how the user could handle it?

if the user ask for a no avaliable route link, the app pops an a 404 screen warning.

What one-time operations are done at the First execution?


If the User creates any kind of entries, what are the limitations?


Software Design Specification Example


why is there a drop list in the bulky upload?